- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Hereby written, comrade!

Posted by: Simon Kongshoj ( United Threats to Democracy, Denmark ) on December 04, 1997 at 10:41:10:

In Reply to: Socialists Write Here Now! posted by Comrade Green on November 27, 1997 at 10:37:56:

Be greeted Comrade!

I am at this point not an active member of any socialist organization, but I sympathize with the Socialist Unity List of Denmark, a very varied alliance of anarchists, socialists, syndicalists and communists.
My view of the social order we should create is somewhat like this:

A society where racism, sexism and other petty discrimination no longer exists because it has become unnecessary - the people marginalised by capitalist society no longer needs to attack those even weaker.

A society where humanity and the environment are more important than small green pieces of paper with numbers on them. Today, many people will do anything, at any cost, to accumulate wealth.

A society where we are able to access media and information without being bombarded by brand names, trademarks and advertisements. Where people have understood that the decision between brands that do the same is pointless.

A society where the power is not centralised around a narrow elite that only works in the big corporations' interests anyway. Where the people hold the power over their own lives instead of believing putting an X by a name on a list is identical with freedom. Where democracy does not stop by the factory gates.

A society where every person upon entering life has the same possibilities as the other. Where white and black, man and woman, rich and poor no longer make any difference.

These are high ideals, some would say Utopian. But indeed such a society is both desirable and possible, if we work together to accomplish it.

By grasping the problem of discrimination by its root - the alienation -and not the manifestation - the people discriminated - we can abolish this problem. This can be done by making sure everyone in society has his or her place, and the freedom to choose exactly what this place is. If this is done, people no longer can use the arguments that 'blacks are taking our money, jobs and so forth'.

By giving all the people involved in a process of work, be it manufacturing goods, managing information or social services, the collective ownership and responsibility for the facility or organization, they will share the profits thereof. Therefore, money ceases to take the highest priority and we will then be able to address humanistic or environment-based problems.

By collectivising production and organising all the facilities and organizations involved in the same type of production, brand names and therefore commercialism and advertising culture cease to make sense. This will also require an intensive internalisation of the trade.

By giving the power over production, information management and social services to the people involved therein, democracy and self-management already exist. Therefore, a body of parties that all mean the same and are influenced by the market values are no longer necessary. The State apparatus ceases to have a purpose, being replaced by the network of free associations.

By making education, medicinal care and the like organized into free associations which the other free associations of production support, education and medicinal care becomes free for all citizens. By achieving that and abolishing the right of inheritance, all people have equal chances in society.

Such a social order need not be centuries away.

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