- McDonald's -
Re: I can't decide
Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on May 22, 1997 at 03:36:32:
In Reply to: I can't decide posted by Sue on March 21, 1997 at 20:44:46:
: O.k. here is my question to all you supporters or unsupporters of Mcdonald's. I have spent a lot of time looking for the right answer, trying to figure out if McDonald's is doing harm or not. In my town the Mcdonald's has given a lot of money to our small town. Anytime it involves kids I always see that Mcdonald's is the one supporting them. Is everyone blind to that. Doesn't anyone look at the positive things they are doing for us. I am. : But, on the other hand anyone who distroys the rainforest in my eyes doesn't deserve my buisness. Although, that is my problem, I have found just as much info saying Mcdonald's doesn't distroy the rainforest as they do. That is why I am asking for any hard core proof that you can show me or tell me that will end this undecided battle for me. : Thanks Sue Well Sue while McD's is not perfect, they are no where near the evil, horrible corporation many of the cynics on this board want you to believe. And while I can't judge on their motives behind their support projects, they have done a lot of good for many of the communities in which they have stores. It's my understanding that they require their franchise owners to be involved in their community, also. As for whether or not to buy their product, let your conscience be your guide. It's not a death sentence, but I wouldn't advise making a steady diet of any fast food. (I'm a fine one to talk!!!) My only big criticism, judging from the negative postings from customers, is that McD Corporate needs to do a better job at policing their company stores and privately owned franchises.
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