> There are a few historical facts that disprove your notion that we
> are just a bunch of zombies being led on by powerfull corporations'
> advertising.
> 1. Ford Motor Company couldn't hardly give away an Edsel, this
> resulted in the termination of the make after 2 years. And Ford
> promoted the hell out of the car.So they got it wrong - it happens.
> 2. Did you forget the "New Coke" fiasco 12 years ago? Coca-Cola
> couldn't give that shit away. It sucked worse than Pepsi does. Due
> to popular demand, they revived the old formula! This aids in proving
> we can indeed think for ourselves, and that the corporate world does
> listen.
Does it prove that - or does it show that the promotion of the original had been so successful that people were unwilling to switch - even when it was the very same company asking that they do so.
> 3. And now for one about that horrible golden arches company you
> people love to hate so much. The McLean DeLuxe bombed big time!!
> Surprise, surprise!!! People want the real McCoy when they think
> burger! I didn't care much for it myself. Not much flavor.
Yeap - another flop for the marketing department. Again it does not prove your point. McDonald's are still spend more on advertising than any over company in the sector and have the biggest sales - despite their burgers being rated far from number one in their own serveys.
> So c'mon folks! Let's get off this crap that we are all mindless
> brainwashed idiots eating out of the corporate hand!
Your few examples of marketing flops do not prove otherwise. For every example of a crap product that did not sell, we could find another ten that did.