> All of you wish to damn mcdonald's to the pits of business hell, yet
> I don't see anything on here about the fact that tobacco, not meat,
> is the leading cause of death in the world. Through cancer and heart
> disease. Tobacco is not the leading cause of death in the world - although it may be a leading cause in the 'developed world'. Malnutrition and starvation (poverty) are almost certainly the leading causes of death in the entire world - part caused by exploitation of poor countries by the capitalist system (aka McDonald's).
As for no mention of tobacco as a significant cause of death - you obviously haven't looked very far before spouting off. There are quite a few messages in the Debating room about the tobacco industry and even a whole section on it in McSpotlights 'Beyond McDonald's' section.
> And you have the balls to talk about McDonald's manipulating the
> minds of out children. Give me a break.
Give you a break? Do you dispute it? The Judge in the McLibel trial agreed that McDonald's used children as a more susceptible subjects of advertising. In certain countries, some of McDonald's adverts would be illegal because of they specifically target children and exploit their gullibilty.
> It has been proven that beef, pork, and chicken are important parts
> of a well balanced diet.
Important, well balanced? What does that mean? It has been proved by countless generations (and numerous scientific studies) that meat is not required for human health - and is infact detrimental.
> Stop trying to destroy McDonald's and worry about drugs or AIDS, or
> something that is really important.
Erm. Most of us campaigning against McDonald's are not specificaly trying to destroy them (they see to be doing a fairly good job of that themselves at the moment in the USA) - we seek to destroy the capitalist system that puts profits before all else. The capitalist system is (IMHO) a major cause of many of the worlds greatest problems - environmental destruction, third world hunger and poverty etc (and drugs problems for that matter).
> And if you don't stuff your face with junkfood 7 days a week you
> won't have to worry about hurting your body.
Thats not what the judge (or McDonald's, or nutritional experts) said.
"McDonald's customers who eat McDonald's food several times a week will take the very real risk of heart disease if they continue to do so throughout their lives, encouraged by McDonald's advertising."
Justice Rodger Bell - 19th June 1997