- McDonald's -From a Mgr's point of view
McDonald's what does that word say. To children it say's a treat for being good. For grown ups it says good tasty food. Well what I have to say for McDonald's is pure filth and a unhealthy enviroment. A place where U shouldnt even walk from it so disguisting. As a manager at Micki-dees for 10 yrs I have watched the kind of services that were performed by the employees and owners in part too. The mis-handling of food and the assembly of food is so "nasty" that you wouldnt even want to look at it. The crew is the biggest part of the nasty habits it has taken if a persons hygiene is so gross he or she should not be hired and be trusted to handle food but thats not what is happening at your neighborhood McDonalds anyone can work there. They would even let homeless people work for the low wages and hard work. So think twice before eating out at any fast food especially McDonalds. If I dont tell you who will. Manager for 10 yrs. Tommy