- McDonald's -McDonald's Sponsership of the Adelaide SE Asian Rainforest
Just interested in how many people agree that the sponsership of the 'rainforest' is a bad thing. It is undoubtably an admission of guilt, but surely any step in the right direction is a good one, particularly if it is relevant in many more areas than recreation. The SE Asian rainforest will be an excellent behavioural research opportunity for both the zoo and others interested, in that is the first big naturalistic exhibit in the zoo. Hopefully the success of the exhibit will mean that others will be quickly established and our captive endangered animals provided with better environments than they have to date. Like the sponsership of sport by tobacco firms, McDonald's is an anathema to rainforests everywhere - but where is the small Adelaide Zoo going to get money like this? Do people really think that the funds should have been refused for political reasons rather than putting this money to an extremely good cause?