YOU should watch your OWN kids. There are accidents waiting to happen everywhere out there in the world. Don't expect others to bear the responsibility of safeguarding your kids. YOU watch them. : : Julia, I think you came to a very mature and reasonable conclusion to your nightmare. I believe you are now just raising a "red flag" to prevent others from being injured. Thus, what actions should be taken; what do you suggest should be done. Controlling everyone's child at an event is impossible, if not illegal. McDonald's could close the playground, but the majority would dislike this action. The only solution I see for a person is to not go to the playground unless you believe all the safety conditions have been met. Do you have a thought on what else should be done???
: Dee, Very simply, pay a minimum wage person to sit in the playarea and moniter it!! At a very large slide here, someone actually sits at the top and says "next", no one procedes untill the previouis passenger has cleared the slide!! Avery minimal move to safe a child great pain later!!! Also softer landing ares , like at a gymnastics center would break a fall better, higher sides to the bottom of the slide itself would allow a child to hold on the something while getting up, rather than fall out at the bottom. I am not a structural engineer, one should be able to revamp these better than I , however if I an many other parents involved in similar accidents said nothing and never left Mcd'd know of the problems, how would they Know to correct it; Dee? My daughter is injured scarred for the rest of her life from her wrist to her elbow and on the outside of her arm 4 inches at the elbow, we do not need Mc'd's money to provide for our children's needs, no amount of money would make up for her not being able to ever straighten her arm again, never play softball, etc....she might even have stunted growth in her arm, Dee, my beautiful previously perfect little girl might now have a handicap arm--she's only 7 years old!!!!! Would I be a "grown up" if I sat by and said nothing of my concerns for other children in these playgounds!!???? I want to teach my children taht if you believe something is wrong, don't just piss and moan--TRY TO FIX IT, get off your butt and make a diference in the world around you!!