- McDonald's -

McMoms ad campaign

Posted by: Greg on September 09, 1997 at 05:28:33:

My wife, two sons and I went to our local McDonald's one evening after just visting my oldest son's open house for the first time. After ordering our food at the drive-thru, the clerk handed me a packet and said "Here, we're giving these out for all the mom's for everything they do." To be quite blunt, I have never been so insulted in all my life. I had to look at this poor girl working there and say "Thank you" while she knew very well that I had been insulted. I consider myself a decent parent AND a dad, and damnit I deserve the recognition as well. I am not implying that the mom's out there do not deserve the recognition that McDonald's is giving them (cause God knows they do), but discrimination is discrimination, no matter what you call it. I found the McDonald's site on the net, but of course there is no email address listed to voice my concern, so I had to speak my mind here. Thank you.

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