: Lorenzo, NO to government mandated mininum wages, and YES to paying for productivity, competence, ability, and hard work. If anyone is making minimum wage or working at a dead-end job, it's most likely their fault or own choosing; the person to blame is looking at them in the mirror. Instead of a minimum wage, it should be called a "starting wage" and grow from there.
The standards Dee is espousing is that of the straw boss, slave driver and despot. It is a fine sentiment in circles where casual cruelty is
seen as a source of entertainment and is the result of greed having to disguise itself as contributoring to benefit of the community(Which is a broad term).
To attribute the conditions under which the majority of the world's workforce toils under as being the fault of the sufferer is callous and others would love to destroy Dee if her posting came to their attention.Since nobody seems to have noticed it except for me then I'll let my posting stand.