: : What makes you think McDonald's is sooo good? Becuase it provides (demeaning) jobs?? The toys??? The atmosphere??? Radiation Poisoning??: Here's a few "good" things for starters and perhaps others will add their favorites:
: > Reasonably consistent food quality, service, and cleanliness throughout the world.
: > Ronald McDonald House Charities
: > Large customer of the agriculture industry
: > Minority/diversity development programs
: > Starting jobs, promotion opportunities and career employment with benefits.
: > Environmental protection initiatives and programs
: > Entrepreneur/franchise business opportunities
: > A popular, valuable and nutrious food source.
: > Customers enjoy going to McDonald's
: > Capitalistic opportunities to serve humanity
: > Academic scholarships
: > Ronald McDonald
: I'm sure I have missed many others, but this should help answer your posted question.
:-) Also: Our local McD's in in the adopt a school program. They host a McDonald's night where 10% of all sales go to the school. We have 5 elementary schools inthe area and they host one for each school! We make about $250 each night! They also donate a lot of food to our programs, like cookies for desert for our pasta dinner, furnish drinks for our walk-a-thons, They donate gift certificates for the schools to use as incentives. They are more generous than most other local merchants. They truly give back to our community. Plus the fact we REALLY like their food! McCheers to you!