- McDonald's -

Let me expand on my visiting Australia post.

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on October 25, 1997 at 19:42:30:

In Reply to: Calm down buddy posted by Harley on October 25, 1997 at 00:23:19:

Seeing what their McD's is like is not the only reason I want to go there. After a long flight on the jet, I probably will be hungry, and McDonald's food will probably be the most bang for the buck, like the Ford Mustang used to be. I'm sorry if I gave the impression you implied.

It sounds like it would be an all-around cool place to visit. I know their women are very good-looking. I admit that's a big reason I would like to visit there. Though that isn't all of it either.

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