- McDonald's -
Compare the war on the tobacco industry
Posted by: ED TUTTLE ( DCI, USA ) on July 04, 1997 at 01:02:10:
In Reply to: McDonalds Should Not Be Sued posted by GEORGE on June 30, 1997 at 01:36:14:
I don't agree that McDonalds should in no way be accountable for whether the food they create is healthy for people or not. Have you not been following the war on the tobacco industry in the US? It is becoming very clear that they knew they were selling a product that was not good for people. McDonalds meat is not good for the planet ... period! People suffer from heart disease because of meat eating, obesity is rampant in the US and getting children hooked on Coke, Fries and Beef is bad karma. There is something called the food chain in nature. The plants are at the lowest end and cattle and animals are at the high end. The lower you go in the food chain to meet your food needs the less energy you extract from the earth. It takes one helluva lot of grain to produce 1 pound of beef. In fact for pound of beef produced to feed a person you could feed 10 people on the grain it took to produce that one pound of beef. Remember...stay low...stay low...stay low and it's healthier too! ed
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