Is it just me or do some (most) of the Americans in this discussion group seem to have fears of some sort of vegetarian revolution? What are all these accusations of vegetarians "trying to impose their beliefs on others" based on? I really can't figure it out, myself- we constitute 2-3% of the population, we have no representation in government, unlike most other forms of activism there are no violent radical factionalists who wield guns, (unlike maybe some (anti-veggo) people in this discussion group with redneck-ish tendencies).Look at the situation around you- who is it that really imposes beliefs- who are the people bombarding the radio and TV waves with unrelenting vigour- who tells you what to do, what to say, what to think. Who posesses the vast amounts of power, money and military force. Its not likely to be vegetarians, is it?
And then ask yourselves, who are the people providing an escape from the corporate, redneck Mc Carthyist filth pervading every facet of American society? Who are the people opposing the most powerful capitalist organisations in their attempts to invade our minds and deny us our own ability to think? There is no justice, just us!!