: Some people just need lives if they go on here everyday and complain about Mc Donalds. Mind your own business. No, its just that some people don't necessarily accept all that is thrown at them from the t.v. and the Nintendo. They don't spend their spare time just accepting all that society throws at them. They question it, and THINK, and then say something. It is a constructive effort. The people who are really into it have a passion, something you will probably never know. With regard to them being single, hit pubescence first, then have a relationship. Then realise that such an insult is as petty as you currently are.
However, you evident;y have at least half a brain. Why don't you do something positive, and start thinking about where you are going, and where you want to go. Then, if you can handle it, where you think society is going. If you think its all fine, lucky you. But if you see a problem, think about it and do something. Thats what many of the contributers to McSpotlight are doing