- McDonald's -

Re: shit and trespassing

Posted by: Gray Poopon ( Sitting down in the McStall, USA ) on December 22, 1997 at 10:46:30:

In Reply to: shit and trespassing posted by Luke Kuhn on December 04, 1997 at 10:37:15:

: First of all, the only time I go to McMaggot's is when I need to take a dump!
: They may be a shithouse of a restaurant, but at least they've got a shithouse.

: Second of all, as for your mention of "trespassing", legally they have to ask you to leave. If you leave then they cannot do ANYTHING-you can only be busted if you refuse to leave.

: Speaking of trespassing, McD's and many other multinationals are trespassing-indeed squatting-on a lot of land in the 3ed world that rightfully belongs to the peasants. Multinationals have the local government dispossess them, then hire them back as "wage slaves."

Oh man! I see there is no love lost between this guy and Ronald. But why dont you shit at your own place? Who ya think you are stinking up the McJohn with your lincoln logs and then splitting without buying?

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