: You couldn't be more right. At the risk of seeming obvious, you couldn't be more wrong.
:These sort of people enjoy attention and love causing problems.
Isn't that a rather broad and sweeping statement? "These sort of people"? Who do you refer to by that? Speaking personally, I'll only cause problems if I feel the situation warrants it. I'm not into mindless rebellion.
:If there was a serious problem, the appropriate health, law or consumer organisations wuold respond.
"The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) concluded that a diet high in salt, sugar and fat was linked to heart disease and cancer" - a McDonald's hamburger (or any other hamburger, for that matter) is characterized by being high in these three substances. I don't see any major consumer, law or health groups jumping up and down about this, yet it's widely accepted that it's bad for you. When London Greenpeace printed something like the quoted text above (see the Factsheet), McDonald's sued them for libel.
This site exists because they didn't follow the usual path (for consumer, law and health groups that have offended McDonald's previously) and apologise.
:Those who just like to cause a scene do it everywhere, no matter if they have a reason or not, and are a nuisance to 'normal' people who just want to be served.
Oooh! Nasty abnormals! Shoot them! Hang them! Silence them! We want to live in comforting illusions and daydreams, eat processed food, listen to piped music and watch TV all day long...
For your information, this site is NOT aimed to making people go to Burger King or Wendy's. Neither, as quite a few people seem to think, is it a McDonald's-run complaint site. The people who made this site, and the people who fought the case, wouldn't be seen dead in a burger bar (unless it was to hand out Factsheets).
We're not out there to cause a ruckus in a store. We're out there to turn the people against unhealthy fast food and the slave culture it generates. Before the spiritual and physical rubbish they produce drowns us all.