- McDonald's -

Just a Few words why I wish McDildo the Worst

Posted by: Mike ( BK Customer, USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:44:07:

Would love to say that I used to eat at Mcd's up until the recent press coverage of their nasty tactics trying to force their junk on the public. Truth is I never liked their food to start with. However up until recently I never had anything against them other than not liking the food. But their tactics of going after a small buisness for using a name starting with Mc is uncalled for. Even one buisness with an owners name of mcdonald is involved. I could see it it he had a couple of arches at the entrance and sold greasy junk but this guy had a very nice restaurant and not even a burger on the menu. Then there was this nice lady who owned a small buisness with an Mc in it that didn't even resemble mcdonalds. She only used the name because she was Irish. The slick lawyers at McPuke headquarters might be able to convince the judges to rule in their favor to crush an honest small buisness but they will never have the power to force the public to eat there. I for one eat at Burger King when a fast burger is needed. I wish Mcdonalds the same hardship they are causing these hard working small buisness owners who are trying to provide their customers with a higher quality of food.

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