- McDonald's -

Another idea for McDonald's: Happy meal toys distribution

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:55:10:

You may or may not have read my reply to Joey in the Kids room, but I'll post my idea here in this popular room for all to see.

In reading many of the posts here, I've seen that happy meal toys have caused many a McD employee grief and have been a source of confusion and frustration for parents.

To resolve this, each happy meal should come with a pick list of the current free toys offered. Mom or Dad can then ask their kid which toy he or she wants, and then "X" the appropriate box. Next, fill in the name/address box, and then drop the "business reply" form into the mailbox. In a week or less, the kid's toy will arrive in the mail, straight from the regional office, which would handle the distribution.

There! No more holdups due to an indecisive 5-year-old (I'm not insulting children - I was one myself), or a belligerent temperamental parent who thinks he and his little angel are better than anyone else.

Better yet, instead of toys, include games (connect the dots, etc) and perhaps a mini coloring book.

Well gotta go. Have a good day.


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