- McDonald's -

Taco Bell Food Poisoning.

Posted by: Ebart ( Naples Fl. U.S.A. ) on January 05, 1998 at 13:22:03:

On January 2, 1998 at about 11:30 a.m. I bought and ate two seven layer burritos, and by about 6:00 pm I was in a world of hurt.....I had extreme cold flashes, nausia, body aches, and the worst dirreaha I've ever had in my life. That first night I felt like I was going to die. Today is Jan 4, 1998 and I still haven't gotten rid of the diarreaha. Wake up Taco Bell.......Are you guys trying to make your Mexican food more authentic by giving your customers montazuma's revenge?

The next day after I had gone through the peak of my sickness I called the manager there and told him what happened.....He told me I probably had a 24 hr flu bug, and acted like I was crazy...He said we serve hundreds of customers a day, so if the food was bad we'd be getting hundreds of calls.....what a jerk....Any way I really don't think I'm ever going to eat Taco Bell food again. I've had an occasional upset stomach from the food there, but this is ridiculous. Taco Bell food is a new form of Russian Roullette that you play with your bowels.

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