: I take great offence that you believe that anyone can work at McDonalds. I am a assistant mgr. and i will have you know that there is alot more than just flipping burgers going on with our employees.
: Our employees learn team work, resonsibility, how to work with all different people. Our company helps prepare our young people for the future. So please do not make light of McDonalds employees.: We work very hard for our wages. and I challange you to try my job for 1 week and then tell me anyone can do it!
I have work for McDonalds for almost five years through High School know college. It is not what I what to do for ever or much longer at all. I have been a Shift manager for the last 2 years. The majority of people that work there are high school kids who parents tell them to be there and do absolute nothing productive. You send them home maybe they will work the next time if they want the money that does not happen though and the managers have more work to do. The high school customers trash the place. I see ex-manegers that have moved on the bigger and better things and they still sat it was on of the hardest jobs that they have ever had!