- McDonald's -

chain yourself to a cow

Posted by: gary l. cox ( Oregon Institute of Technology, USA ) on July 11, 1997 at 02:01:56:

In Reply to: What the #%*! is posted by Bitchy Richy on July 10, 1997 at 15:22:48:

It seems that a few people want to change the world to their ideal of how we should live. So did Hitler, Genghis Khan, and Jesus and look what a mess they have left in their wake. You people don't seem to understand that we live in a market driven economy. That means, in simple terms, that the products which are available today have been approved by a majority of consumers through the method of "voting" with their dollars. If you people, who do not like it, want things to change, you must either change the way all of us think (not likely, because of your incredible lack of logic, your bizarre analogies, and plain vulgarity) or you can try to change our system to a planned economy where the STATE (which I believe is another ENEMY of your kind) is in charge of all production, including what is produced, where it is produced, what it will cost, etc. Gee! Doesn't that sound better to you? (heavy sarcasm!) MacDonalds is not doing anything but satisfying a need of the marketplace. They are not your problem. I am. Me and a couple hundred million other people do not want to be controlled by a bunch of fringe element who, if they ever got a dollar, would probably turn into the biggest capitalists ever known (history teaches us that!).

I will not demand that you eat at McDonalds and, likewise, I will not be stopped from making my own choices about what I ingest.

I know I'm right about my choices for me.
Why do you think you can make choices for me! Is it devine revelation that has empowered you veggies to make choices for so many?

My daddie told me along time ago to beware of people who know they are right. You little-brains fit into that category.

If you all want to save the animals, take a hint from the logging protestors, chain yourself to a cow. (preferably the rear end)

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