to Rich,Just thought I would set you straight with regards to Pauline Hanson at McHappy Day.
Paul Filling (Independant Perth MP) was invited to visit the Mindari Restaurant during McHappy Day.... It just so happened that this
coincided with Pauline's visit to WA. Filling asked the owner operator (who is ASIAN) if Pauline could come along also. The owner operator who is new to the McDonald's scene could wanted to be polite and said yes....
Obviously this was a mistake by the owner operator - McHappy Day is meant to be a day that McDonald's can give back something to the community. Pauline Hanson was asked by head office not to attend McHappy Day as it was thought that the Day would be turned into a political mud fight instead of day focussed on the most important people in the world - sick children.
Pauline aggreed that this was a good idea and stayed away from the event.
Dispite Pauline not attending the day the situation still turned into a political mudfight which is dissapointing, considering this is the one day of the year where McD's tries its hardest to give something back to the community. Hundreds of employees and volunteers from the community give up their time to work for free on McHappy Day to maximise donations for McHappy Day. It is unfortunate that this was not publisised and instead Pauline was...
It was never the McD's idea to promote Pauline Hanson - it was just an unfortunate turn of events which turned an otherwise McHappy Day into a political smeared one..
Rich - pls get your facts right before blurting un-truths over the internet!