- McLibel -

Re: throw away food

Posted by: well maybe ( USA ) on May 06, 1997 at 17:31:56:

In Reply to: throw away food posted by Andrea Strnad on January 29, 1997 at 19:15:31:

> Waste is criminal, especially when people are starving everywhere.
> Even Mom wouldn't let you leave the table until the plate was clean,
> and yet for some reason we totally ignore the mass amounts of food
> thrown out by restaurants. It's truely appalling.

Then I'm afraid you must avoid *all* restaurants. All restaurants throw out "perfectly good" food. Some make an attempt to feed those in need by donating unused food to food banks. Not eating at McD's will not do a great deal to feed the starving (If McD's went out of business tomorrow, poof, would any of the world's starving masses be any less hungry ?)

If McD's is a greedy capitalist organization, then it would not be in it's best interest to egregiously waste food: that food costs money, trash pickup costs are usually based on the weight of the trash thrown away, etc, and all those costs eat into the bottom line profit margin.

Don't get me wrong, McD's, like, sucks. The food is ersatz at best, dangerous at worst, although I must admit that the Chicken Fajitas and Breakfast Burrito most resemble what is commonly known as food. I'm just not ready to hang 'em high for all the sins of the world.

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