Just wondering if people on this site think ALL big companies are bad, or just McDonalds.For example, it is very rare to see anyone criticize Virgin, who are well known for looking after their staff and customers, yet Richard Branson is one of the most powerful men in Britain. However, as a rapidly expanding airline, Virgin are responsible for loads of pollution and Co2 emmissions. Virgin is also expanding into many other sectors - music, retail, cinemas, financial services, hotels and banking - could they become too powerful? What would happen to them if Mr Branson was killed in a ballooning accident?
Also any opinions on retail chains such as Marks/ Spencers, Sainsbury's and Tesco, who are well established in the UK, and have some very good recycling schemes?
With all the fuss about Shell in Nigeria, BP in Colombia, and the oppressive regimes of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait, is there such thing as a 'safe' oil company?
As a student of Architecture, in a highly competitive field, should I discriminate which construction firms - eg Wimpey / Tarmac / Arups I work for when many have been involved in horrendous road projects - or should I try and reform from the inside?
When I design a shopping complex, should I try and make a legal requirement that McDonalds cannot open a franchise there?
Where do the meat eating viewers of this site get their burgers? - Burger King?
I currently work for Pizzaland, which is owned by Whitbread, who also own Pizzahut in the UK - any dirt on them?
McSpotlight replies:
Check out the Beyond McDonald's section for info on other corporations. We're working on massively updating it at the moment and it should be uploaded in 3 or 4 weeks.