- Multinationals -Re: Animal rights/ and welfareIn Reply to: Animal experiments and ICI posted by Michael Hunwicks on January 11, 1997 at 19:17:37:
to talk about animal rights we must first know the meaning. Animal rights is the belief animals should not be used in testing, hunting, entertainment,food, and much more. Animal welfare is just thinking about the welfare of animals in all cases. I cannot say whether i believe in animal rights or animal welfare. I must admit i do believe in the food chain and that humans should be able to eat animals. Every other animal does, why can't we? But every other animal does not lock up animals to test their cosmetics on them. Or wheel them in cages around circuses so our children can laugh. Sure, we are superior to them, but does that give us the right to torture them as we please? I believe humans are very selfish. We use animals for our food, clothing. Our pillows are made of animals, as so are our soaps, candles, carpets, Man is never satisfied w/ what he gets. Must we practice cruelty to the animals that give us so much? ANIMALS ARE CAPABLE OF SUFFERING. None.