: : As to my comments about MOST teenagers being churned out today, you :chose not to reply. Why?: Because it falls into the usual dribble of anyone that disagree's is brainwashed. An extremely unenlightened position to take but, who am I to judge. AND I firmly stand by my opinion on the teen angst that Gerard spouts. We can all be glad that MOST people survive the teenage years by growing up.
Growing up. Accepting your fate. Settling down and doing as the boss tells you. Accumulating debts and obligations. Forgetting about your dreams. Putting your nose to the grindstone. Sweating it out till payday.
Hearing the boss tell you that the company is downsizing, and you're out of a job. Wondering how you'll pay the bills.
Becoming irritated at young people who aren't as miserable as you are.