McWorker,It sounds like what your wanting is some respect and a living wage
from McDonalds. Ann Landers might suggest some polite way to talk with Andy to resolve your differences. B.S.! You and I know that Andy
would laugh at this. Andy, like all dictators, is an asshole and will do everything he can to keep his power, and your wages down, to line his own pockets.
What I would reccomend is that you try and talk with some of your
fellow workers about organizing a union. In a union you can get real
politeness (albeit fake) from your employer, because he knows that
without cooperation from "his employees" the business can't make
a profit. Sure he can fire one or two of you but everyone? probably not. And how would he like a pickett outside his store?
If interested check out the IWW homepage
There you can find some information about how my union works, as well
as links to other unions in the "solidarity section"