- McJobs and Workers -
Re: McDonald's is a job
Posted by: Mario ( USA ) on January 12, 1998 at 02:33:49:
In Reply to: McDonald's is a job posted by McD Worker on December 30, 1997 at 19:55:31:
: est job, but it's the easiest. In every job there are risks. I've been burnt a few times by fry lights and hashbrown baskets, but it's part of the job and if you don't like it that much then quit. Nobody is making you stay. Um, I have to pay my bills. Do you really think that most people like their jobs because they applied for them? And do you think I'd get hired if I wrote on an application that I wanted to work in a safe environment, make a living wage, and have a decisionmaking power in how the business is run?
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