As one of the people so ready to tell me it was my journalistic abilities, my personal opinions and experience that kept my story out of print, I thought it would be considerate of me to tell you that it wsa none of the above. You did however, suggest that I get to the bottom of the matter. When I posted my message about my article being banned, I had been told that it was because Internet resources could not stand up in court. No one seemed to read this, however, choosing to find other reasons why it was pulled. This was not the reason i posted the message. All I wan't was to get my hands on court documents or other hard copies to produce in court if need be.Seeing as my article was, however, about McDonalds, I felt it was okay to poet a message, about McDonalds, in this debating room
I will say again, I was looking for help, not critics.
This is not a personal crusade. I see injustic and I write about it. After all, the freedom of the press is wonderful. I would quote half the people in this room if I could.
I am the senior writer on a youth publication in my home of Adelaide. We have a circulation of about 35 000. Our target audience is 12 - 18 year olds. I also have my own column and have been with the paper for two years. I am also a journalsim student.
If my past messages have seemed rude, then I apologies. After all, you have no idea who i am, what i do and how i write. But all i wanted were some reliable sources. I wasn't expected to be abused.
and for that matter, if you are visiting this debating room and writing negative messages about McDonalds, why aren't you happy that someone is getting negative publicity printed. Australia received a complete media blackout that McDonalds spend billions maintaining. No one here even knows what mclible is
I thought it was time someone told them