: We shouldn't have to grow up.If YOU make the decision to get a job, yes, I think you should. If McD's requires to much you, you need to find someplace that requires less.
: Teenage years are NOT about making money for billion dollar companies.
No, it's about them paying YOU $$ and expecting, reasonably, that you are able to do your job. The post I responded to was an individual admitting he and many others came into work hungover and unable to "do their jobs properly". His words not mine. You BET I see a problem with that.
:Many kids don't know what they are getting themselves in for when they go to work at McDonalds. They think that they have a part-time job that will fit into their study time-table and they can earn some extra money. They don't realise that they have just devoted their lives and self-respect to McDonalds who don't give a shit about their education.
CORPORATE policy is that your managers should absolutely "give a sh**" You WILL find persons everywhere in EVERY company throughout your life, who don't care about you. Not just McD's. These kids should bring these problems up to higher management because, as I said, it goes against CORPORATE POLICY not to care.
: If McDonalds said to you before you were employed "We are going to put you on at 6.30am on Sunday morning so you can't go out with your friends the night before.
Is it possible this is just one of the few times they can give you hours? Perhaps more senior employees get to choose hours they want and those lowest on the totem pole get less desirable time slots? You have that "world revolves around screwing me" attitude. I think your managers have better things to worry about than whether or not you make it out to party. And, oh, as we observed from your "friend", it certainly didn't stop him.
: Oh and seeing as we understaff to cut costs we are also going to put you on EVERY Sunday morning so there goes your social life (and probably your education as well)" then how many employees do you think they would get????????
Again, this sounds like a rotten PERSON, not a rotten COMPANY. If you read the board you will also find many posts praising the McD's way and talking about how quickly they were able to move up and the consideration they received.
: Don't tell us to grow up, you should WAKE UP and see that your darling little McDonalds is not doing these kids any favours but "introducing kids to the workforce"
Ahem, kids CHOOSE to introduce themselves to the workforce!! Did McD's drag you off the street?
:when they are not old enough to vote, drink, make legal choices, get individual government assistance, take out a bank loan and sometimes drive. Once kids are old enough to handle the responsibilities of these things then they are old enough to handle the responsibility of the workforce
AGAIN, then why did YOU go out and get a job??**