: dammit mike....: you dont get it do you...i worked my ass off...and nothing was changing for me at all...all ppl dont have this "southern hospitality"...they sure dont have it where i used to work...i was tired with putting up with all the customers bull shit...i tried my best...and obviously they did not see that...so i felt that this particular mcdonalds that i worked for was going to have to keep sinking down a hellhole...and i wasnt gonna be there with them!!
: SO THERE!!! :-P~~~~~~
KuShunna, your attitude is typical of an employee who doesn't give a shit.
And I've seen a lot of people whose mannerisms fit yours. I've been in various
eating joints where the employees loaf around and gossip, ignoring the increasing
line of customers. Mickey D's is included in my experiences.
I remember one sandwich joint where the young employees bitched about their
jobs right in front of customers, and their loyalty showed. I ate there 3 times, and
each time it sucked. I never went there again.
Think about the last time Your McDonald's piled up with the local patrons,
till the line was almost out the entrance, and the drive-thru was startin to
create a traffic jam meanwhile what little food was actually going into the bins
was already getting cold because the crew was loafing and bullshitting. Are the customers
not supposed to say nothing? How would YOU like to receive a cold big mac and fries?
They say e-coli is a bitch. Mabe you did a good job, but your attitude aint gonna take
you very far.