: : Unions have long outlived their usefulness. Just like the feminist movement and Jesse Jackson!: Dear Jen:
: I sense that you have much more to gain from parroting these management principles than meets the eye. Perhaps if you become good enough at typing out apologias for Corporate America you may get a promotion.
: Now I have two questions:
: 1) How have unions long outlived their usefulness ?
: 2) How has Jesse Jackson long out lived his usefulness ?
HAH! Is this funny! I'm a STAY AT HOME MOM!! Funny how anyone who sticks up for corporate America is assumed to be upper level mgmt. secretly accessing this site from their corner office. 'Tis to laugh! I do this stuff to give the ol' brain cells a work out. To answer your questions.....#1 I simply believe they do more harm than good. They get in the way of a free marketplace of which I am an unapologetic believer. When unions were born, it was because people worked in OBVIOUSLY dangerous, unsanitary, etc. conditions. In short, workers were being taken advantage of. I don't think that's the case today. By and large most companies, and I certainly think UPS, treat their employees more than fairly. And often employees know exactly what the situation is when they get hired on. I put it to you that if unions were a real necessity, if a majority of workers really felt abused, the membership would not be dropping as it has in the decade.
And regarding Jesse....I don't think he speaks for anyone anymore. He just wants to keep himself in the limelight. That's all I'm going to say without going off into some other stuff that has no relevance to this board.