Hi Pumkin,Just wanted to say you are absolutely correct. Hair colour and has nothing to do with how you perform your duties. And professionalism is all about how well and efficiently you do your work and deal with the public. Professionalism is a much abused term though. It is used to impose all sorts of unnecessary control and restrictions on staff by employers. And as far as Mike is concerned, he always on the side of the employers no matter what. For him whatever the boss says is goes. So do yourself a favour. Ignore what he says. What the owner is doing is certainly a form of discrimination that should be opposed. I just whish I could do something practical to back you. Are you unionised in your store? May be unions could do something about it!
Good luck.
: We have a situation at our store that is causing a lot of unwanted stress. There are a few people who decided that they wanted to dye their hair some pretty escentric colors. One have electric blue and the other is like forest green. They both wear their hair in a hat and only the back of their hair is showing. Our owner is really starting to raise a fit over this and said that he is going to write a new policy in our book saying you can't have your hair that way. WHY NOT?
: I can see if there was a health reason behind it but isn't it just discrimination?? I beleive so... the dye is hurting no one, and their hair is covered. He told managers(my guess is he isn't man enough to tell them himself) to tell these two people that if they don't dye their hair back to a "NATURAL COLOR," they will in fact be fired. What a crock of shit. Is this even legal?? I need some help here guys back me!!