: Just wanted to say you are absolutely correct. Hair colour and has nothing to do with how you perform your duties. And professionalism is all about how well and efficiently you do your work and deal with the public. Professionalism is a much abused term though. It is used to impose all sorts of unnecessary control and restrictions on staff by employers. And as far as Mike is concerned, he always on the side of the employers no matter what. For him whatever the boss says is goes. So do yourself a favour. Ignore what he says. Say what?!!! Y'all are getting your bowels in an uproar over HAIR COLOR restrictions?!!! C'mon! If you were to walk into any fast food place and see that all the crew employees look like they just came back from a rave or a Sex Pistols concert, how confident would you be in the service you'd get? In how the food is prepared? In their hygiene habbits? While I do believe that termination IS a harsh penalty in regards to this, I can see where the owner is concerned when it comes to his business. It won't do anybody no good if numerous customers take one look at the crew, and walk back out. Personally, if the cashier with the ring in her nose and her hair dyed microdot purple comes across as a warm, caring, and customer-friendly person, I can look past her odd fashion tastes. Hell, if she's 25 or older, I might even ask her out. But the point I'm trying to make Siamak is that there are limits to everything. What if the next crewperson wants to show up in a crop-top and her navel, complete with ring showing? If you were the boss, what would your reaction be?
In a professional office environment like a bank, none of the above would go. However, it would most likely be perfectly OK at, say a hard rock, or alternative rock station, and a renegade independant record store that sells all the good stuff that really qualifies as alternative.
I have to keep my hair short and my beard trimmed, because of MY work environment. But if I got a job at a radio station, or any place where casual and sub-casual goes, I would not hesitate to let my hair grow out, and let my beard grow to ZZ Top length.
Finally, no I'm not at all for a dictatorship management as your post seems to imply. I have spoken up when a policy I couldn't stand has come to pass. I have also pointed out problems and suggested solutions without fear of it coming back to haunt me.