: I currently work at McDicks where the managers are losers and I (If working) in the front or Drive Thru, have to deal with morons....for example, on a Saturday during lunch-hour when the Drive Thru is wrapped around (the store) and some schmuk comes thru to order a small coke and gets upset when he has to wait so long....: It is rarely the employee's fault (They work their asses off...if they stop working at any time the managers are down there back for slacking...although the managers just sit on there lazy asses all day...
: The damn place is a crock...the employees are probably the only thing good about the damn store...other than the money...
: Oh and by the way...just so everyone knows...as soon as a cusomer who is an asshole leaves...the whole store is insulting the sap.
: That's my two cents...
Here is the thing that I found with them, during my time there. You can be working your ass off your whole shift. Customers come in and act so stupid, not knowing what's on the menu when they just saw it yesterday, make mistakes ordering their shit. If you get one little thing wrong they are down your throat.