: You want to get realistic?Sure...Im a fast food manager and I and many others in management are college educated and could have any job we want. As for part-time employees: I started out as one and when I wanted credit or another job during the summer the fact that I worked in a hard job and had done it for 3 years straight made me an attractive candidate. I think your way of thinking is very snobbish. You seem to think fast food employees have no mind of their own but I think you are very wrong. As in any jobs there are many rules that have to be followed so that is not being mindless that is doing a good job, maybe you should think about it that way.
: If you seriously think that anyone considering employing you will take you on ahead of someone else because you've worked for a fast food chain, you should think again. I've been involved in interviewing prospective employees in the hospitality industry, and hard as it may be for you to believe, I would rather choose someone who has worked in a position requiring independent thought and responsible decision-making. Sorry, but that's reality as I see it.