- McJobs and Workers -Re: Actually it's a good,mindless jobIn Reply to: Actually it's a good,mindless job posted by Quincunx on October 16, 1997 at 23:07:21:
I wish this job were boring...Its far from it and Im sure my employees would agree with you. Ive never heard of my employees wanting a union because we talk about things when there is a problem and I for one don't think we need one because not only am I not allowed to treat them unfairly or badly I wouldn't want to. I understand there are bad managers out there and they need to find a new line of work...I have had experiences with bad managers and even their bosses agreed they were bad and that is why they are no longer employed. Why though do you think that every job in the world needs a union? Why can't people work out their problems. I don't think this is some huge problem that can't be dealt with on a personal level or a corporate level...I still think talking about dealing with the problems are the way to deal with them. I know you disagree with me but I feel strongly about this. Do me a favor though, when you reply please try to be understanding about my feelings.