- McJobs and Workers -
Typing without thinking it all out....
Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW, AnyCountry ) on October 23, 1997 at 09:43:42:
In Reply to: Re: Fastfood Workers are Unsung Heroes posted by Julia The Gruntled Generation on October 22, 1997 at 23:42:08:
Anyways what brings the aboutface?.........I didn't read that posting from that person who works in the hospitality industry thoroughly at first. Lately, I've been too entangled in arguing to slow down enough and see that maybe I could use a little slowing down myself. Basically, I'm involved more in information gathering than debate so I can't say I'm really used to it in comparison to my usual research activities.Sometimes the titles on the postings get turned around here (maybe to a software glitch) so the posting about slothful inductions wasn't meant to have that as a header. It was a point of logic I was referring to that I admit to having committed before.Most of the Internet has low quality debate that could use some tips which leaves me lurking on most discussion forums and trying to pick out the gems.So it may not be an aboutface but rather a self correction that I have to face up to in my daily life. Anyways, I'll leave this link for you. It's kinda academic but once you're used to it you can see what I'm talking about in terms of logical debate.
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