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Improving communication...
Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on October 24, 1997 at 19:27:21:
In Reply to: Love my job, but better comunications are needed posted by L.R. on October 24, 1997 at 01:18:41:
First thing to do is communicate with your fellow workers about what is wrong with the workplace and what needs to be done to fix it. One person telling the bosses what needs to be done will not work. You should all tell them together, and organize a union. It is your right. If you would truly improve your and your fellow workers condition, take matters into your own hands, and don't expect any gifts from the hierarchy. For more info CLICK HERE. : I came here to the U.S. and got a job with Mc D's . I love it allot, but under stress all the time . My coworkers need to have some better comunications. : My husband is a cook/baker by trade, but blind . He can run a Mc D's with no problems. He worked in a hospital before going blind. He feels better comunications are needed. I do my job and help everyone out backing up others . I am one person, but do the jobs of 3 in one person many say. : My husband wished more visits were made by corp. heads and included disscussing things will all not just managment. We are all a team and as he learned in the hosp. . You work and discuss problems with all not some. : I am only one person , but still get yelled at for nothing . My husband will tell everyone , (talking) is the key to answers of problems. : I love my work and dealing with the public. though we deal with many in one days time. We can not do everything everyone wants. : I will stay with my job unless my husband tells me to leave and go elsewhere. He is under the gov. and dealing with his problem and we are closely wathced. : L. R.
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