: Working at McDonald's is a terriable job. I know of a case of a McOpCo store in the Pittsburgh Region where a manager thought that a female employee had stole $50 out of her purse in the office. So, a few days later the suspected employee's drawer was $60 dollars short and the employee was fired.O.K. Here's the story buddy, how can you conclude that McDonald's sucks from that little anecdote of yours?
First, as a a McEmployee myself, I'm able to conclude that it doesn't suck that much...! I'm not trying to protect them or anything like that (God knows they sure don't need my help to back them up!) but I'd just like to point out that McDonald's is ruining our minds with their massive publicity and the influence they have on our life habits, but the conclusions that you have made are based on irrelevant facts and suppositions.
All that I can only conclude (I'm pulling a fast one like you did, right now....) that YOU SUCK! Always, keep in mind, McDonald's is definitely not helping the human condition, but Ray Kroc sure has (unfortunately) achieved HIS capitalist dream by buying the entire American Dream, and I'm sure that if you suck, you wouldn't be able to do that, eh!
Keep it real, grow up, and get informed.