All of these letters raise an interesting point: that McDonalds, other large corpse-orations and the governments they support all treat people just like McDonald's treats its cattle. Neither man nor any other animal is considered to be anything but a "production unit" whose function is to make money for the bosses and then be slaughtered (or jailed) when he or she is no longer profitable.
Don't like the substantial part of the population that smokes a little pot AFTER work? Witch-hunt them out of all employment so they have to survive by crime, then put them in jail. Don't like feeding so much grain to beef cattle? confine them to crates so they can't move and eat less to get fat. This is the basic mentality of the entire system and, as the leaflet says, EVERYTHING HAS TO GO!
If you don't like being a "production unit" you have no choice but to find a way to live outside the system. Some entry-level or part-time jobs not involving handling money or valubles don't screen and can be treated as temporary sources on income, for instance. If you prefer washing dishes in an independant restaurant to prostitution, you can probably get that job, as normaly they cannot even get away with checking immigration status if they don't want to use paper plates.
The hippies were right-you have to make your own life and NOT let a job define it. Otherwise you are just a "production unit" with no rights but to serve. The thing I like about prostitution is that I can live outside the rules of the bosses. While it is true that there are no guarantees in this life, I am not interested in guaranteed security if I have to give up my freedom to get it. In fact I refuse to live at all except on my own terms.Enough male prostitutes feel this way that the older men have a choice-treat young "hustlers" with respect, or don't get laid. It's as simple as that, and we don't even need a union to do it. Perhaps if unions had enough membership, the working classes could exercise similar power to crush Big Brother in the workplace. by giving the bosses the choice between treating workers as equal partners or going bankrupt. If truckers decide not to deliver food until drug testing(or licensing or whatever) is stopped, the government can either deliver food by military convoy,capitulate, or starve. The first option is would also come with National Guard action against the strikers, and is why such a change in the main workplace may well require-or cause-a revolution.
In the meantime I make the Revolution in my own life by finding ways to live outside the system that don't harm non-consenting people or other animals. I choose prostitution. You might choose something else, but the point is to control you own life. I do NOT consent to give up ANY of my freedom-no matter how much money or how big a house I am offered. People who accept Big Brother are more like "kept boys" than independant male prostitutes. In fact, having a boss is like having a pimp(which boys don't, and women should throw out on the street).