- McJobs and Workers -
why I am a revolutionary
Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on November 26, 1997 at 01:24:17:
In Reply to: Workplace democracy posted by The Everett Citizen on November 25, 1997 at 19:22:11:
Please disregard the first attempt of this post-a computer problem cut me off and sent it incomplete-the correct post follows: : : So most employers expect you to exhibit and maintain a tasteful appearance...and several expect you to piss in a bottle. This doesn't mean the U.S. Constitution is dying! The above has been going on for many years, and during that same time it's been understood that the workplace is not a 100% democracy.Appearnae tasteful to whom? I value my long hair more that I would a $5 an hour paycheck-I wouldn't cut it for $50 an hour. If a john wants a shaved Marine, he can hire someone else,as I am not available for that.Isee no reason why people should not treat conventional employers the same way. This is like whn movie companies tried to order Gay actors to marry for appearance's sake. Where does this creeping fascism stop? : Everett Citizen: : The workplace is not even 1% democracy. You cannot have democracy by degrees. You either have it, or you don't. As it stands now, you have a priveledged class who does no work, and a huge class (that YOU are in) that does ALL of the work. There are layers of workers who are offered trinkets and favors for controlling the lowest levels of workers. I am for democracy in the workplace. I do not believe workers should produce for idlers. : Bacon: : You have to be willing to compromise just a bit. The people to be mad at for the enactment of the get-tough zero-tolerance policies are the ones who have used drugs and booze on the premises, the disgruntled employees who have committed violent incedents, and those who have stolen and/or embezzled funds from the firms. These people, although only a small percentage of the population, are the ones who have contributed to the current revisions of the handbooks at many of the corporations.My whole POINT is that no price is too high to pay for control over your own body, and that these bosses shoud be boycotted.They should judge people by performance-not lifestyle or looks. A clean football kicker who connects some of the time is worth less than a pothead that connects most of the time(although league rule may bar him trying to keep out drug-ENHANCED players that no clean layer can beat-like a hidden nitrous system in a race car.) At a fast food restaurand such "cheating" is not an issue. : Everett Citizen: : When a workplace belongs to the people who work there, there is LESS disgruntledness, LESS stealing, LESS irresponsibility, because everyone has a stake in it. Who would steal from themselves or their brothers and sisters? People do all of those things you describe for a variety of reasons, amongst which are resentment toward an unfair elite, hunger from starvation wages, addiction (a medical problem that should be treated as such). To unquestioningly accept that we must do as the "employer" says is to accept second class citizenship.My whole point is that I refuse second class citizenship on the grouns that nothing the boss could give me could eer make it worthwhile-I would even rather starve than be a slave.This is why I am a revolutionary. : "Fire the Boss" indeed! : Mike, The Everett Citizen
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