Why Cara how could I post things in Capitalism and Alternatives when its the people here that seem to need the knowledge more.Besides this is jobs and workers what is socialism about if not jobs and workers.
: Oh, your right. Because communists such as yourself never sling any sort of tripe around. Give me a break. We could argue about this untill we are both physically nausous. It would make no difference in either of our viewpoints.
I love that right-wing tendency to generalise and steriotype. All blacks are lazy, crime is not caused by circumstance, single mothers are scroungers and lazy too. Does any of this sound familar?
Have I slung rhetoric at you I dont think so!
: I am happy. But a slave, I am not. What do you find so hard to believe? That we are willing to work hard because we are motivated by (gasp) money?
I'm not questioning your money motivations but try not to go to work and see what happens,try being insubordinate and see what happens. You are a slave you just dont see the chains.
: Yes I'm annoyed at inconsiderate people. But that is not the result of capitalsim. Are you saying that I owe something to the community? Are you saying that I should worry about the state before I worry about myself. Just know that a community cannot exist without individuals. Individualism should be stressed above all things
Individuals? I assume you are set apart from your father and mother and compete with for survival. Individuals are not an absolute and never will be.
: I still believe that I have more freedom where I am than if I were under the system that you are promoting.
Tell me what freedom is to you I think it must be terribly confused. Liberty can exist without capitalism you know.
: Okay, I agree, you are shit. Do you want everybody to be shit? Just know that you are the minority.
You surprise me. Like all other right-wing idiots a perfectly good argument is posed to you and resort to insults. I'm a minority? You've never been to europe have you? I may be a minority in the land of the unquestioning and gormless but not here.
: Yes, we do have the freedom to burn our flag. But I don' because I have some respect for it still. I will not plege allegence to the flag, but I will stand for it, out of respect for all that was given by those before me so that I could live under the system that I so enjoy.
This is pathetic nationalism if you where starving you couldnt eat your flag.
: : I'm telling you Gramsci was right when he wrote about Hegemony!!
: Too bad I don't know what that is.
I assume you cant read, hve no library card or are just ignorant to the aquiring of knowledge. If you want to make effective arguement you should know where your opponent is coming from.
: I used to frequent that room. But I got sick of the flames I got from people like you. Maybe I will return.
What's the matter did we shake your faith in Capitalist oppression.I hope you do instead of malingering around here head hunting minor lefties who cant give effective argument.
: Well, it looks like I finnished. Just note that this is not an appropriate room to debate this sort of thing. If you have anything more to say about it, please post it in the Capitalism and Alternatives room.
Well I am truly amazed but if this isnt the right room for me then you shouldnt be here either, I only made the post because I'd read some of your anti-commie bullshit on this page.
Besides I think you'll find its not up to you what page I write on so stop dictating.