: Does any one feel really content with their jobs at present?Without a doubt, I worked hard to get where I am and am reaping the rewards of the hard work
: Does anyone think, yeah, I've served a hamburger or stacked a shelf full of merchandise the world will be such a better place and everyone will benefit.
Why would world betterment (is that a word :-) be the goal of your job? Why cant the ability to lead your life be a goal from a job? A job isnt who you are its what you do for designated times during a week.
: Does anyone feel happy about being treated like shit by their boss or customers? (This is apart from the likes of Cara who think that their subordinant station in life is excellent and feel confident in the knowledge that they are serving their country. Apple pie and world series)
This is more whinny victim dribble. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! There are ways to interact with even the most miserable of people without getting yourself or that person worked up! Its called people skills and dare I say diplomacy.
: If you do let me into the secret it isnt esay to be a constant voice of dissent.
Stop complaining! Take charge of your own life! Dont look for someone else to blaim for anything that goes wrong! This woe is me attitude has run its course, suck it up and move on. Many of the most succesful people in life have OVERCOME adversity. NOT by crying over it but by moving past it. Your cries of disent sound more like plain crying.