: EC, you talked about "firing the boss" and establishing "employee-owned" businesses. I know you hate McDonald's and everything they stand for, but please humor me if you will because I'm going to use The Arches as an example. Now say 3 Navistar Schoolbuses of children pulled into the lot, along with a Ford Explorer full of kids, a Ford Expedition full of kids, and [affirmative action at work] a Chevy Suburban and the new Dodge Durango both full of more kids. Of course these orders are going to be "to go" because the Fire Code usually won't allow an occupancy of more than 100.
: Houston, we have a problem! Now, these school football team members...and their huge entourage of supporters that came along for the ride...are RAVENOUSLY hungry, and want quality, hot food ASAP!!! EC:
Mike, who fills these orders as this happens today? Working people, not capitalists! When was the last time you saw a capitalist dig in and help in the kitchen during a rush?
A two-hour committee meeting among all the "Owner/Associates" on how to serve this huge group what they want...and do it RIGHT...is going to piss them off.
2 hour meetings is the hallmark of the capitalist system! (right up there with the three martini lunch).
Organizational and operational decisions would be made, fairly and democratically, but not during a rush!
: there will be at least one employee (or "associate") who just is not going to pull his or her weight...and will find (or invent) something to whine about. Since there are no bosses, how should this problem be dealt with?
Rank and file workers generally do not tolerate working for idlers, and this is the main objection to capitalism: working for people who don't pull their own weight. You don't work, you aren't rewarded.
What if counselling and numerous attempts to accomodate this person come of no avail?
Decide democratically, instead of autocratically. All are included in making such policies, not just those with all the money.
: Also, how is pay to be determinned? Keep in mind all businesses have expenses they need to meet (rent or mortgage, suppliers to pay, etc.). If the "associates" decide to take home too high a percentage of the revenues generated, the business will fail, and then everybody is fucked.
You need to keep in mind that rent and mortgage are capitalist institutions. ALL policy is made in a fair and democratic fashion.
What's that smell? mmmmmm..........
Any other questions, my friend?
Mike, The Everett Citizen