Bacon: That ol' boy needs a good laxative of some sort. Sour grapes are known to cause irregularity, and if severe enough, that can lead to a lack of logical thinking!Qx:Probably not. He's just unplugging the drain from all the unquestioning pro-capitalist bile that has filled up since Cara and others just started reacting and not thinking. American style.
Bacon: Question for this board: If Gerard was to win the lotto, would he share it with his former underpriveledged acquaintences? Maybe give it all away to them?
Qx: That's up to Gerard and since none of us know him personally we'll probably never know. Trivial question anyway.
Bacon: Call me an evil greedy pig (Everett Citizen, have any more creative uses for my name?), but...I don't like the socialist/communist/whatever idea of everybody suffering and struggling equally. I had to do a lot of belt-tightening, but I'm happy to say that I have a much better cushion financially. I can actually make payments on my new pickup without a tightroap (There, Mike Sprout! I mentioned my Ford again!).
Qx: Well, that's typically conformist for you. Just believe what the newspapers and the good ol' boys tell you and don't really have to do much investigation for yourself. It's quaint. It's honky tonk and it's basically indicative of a dysfunctional society. You mentioned belt tightening, financial cushions and tightropes in a synblic manner that is also basically taught in managerial curse and free-market economics.
Did you know that?
By the way, watch out for the problems about to erupt in Mexico. Capitalism and free-markets will prove a failure and if you think that the Zapatista rebellion is small potatoes wait until it spreads to the rest of Mexico. It could mean revolution and if you ask me I think Mexico is in need of a real good revolution. No cross-border trips to Laredo will ever give you much of the real picture though.
Bacon: As to all the whining McDonald's employees...again, your store CANNOT function well unless it makes a profit. Maybe if you RELIEVE yourselves of those "grapes", and really apply yourselves, you may someday own a franchise or two. A lot of owners started out "on the crew".
Qx: Mike, give everybody a break will you? That was a feel-good sale pitch for a multinational corporation that isn't even paying you for promoting the corporate ideal. In other words you're sounding like a happy slave.
Bacon: Cara has a positive attitude. She makes a lot more sense than many of the so-called "adults" who post here.
Qx: At the rate she's going she may never truly be an adult. She's learning the corporate ideology real well and doesn't show much sign of even having any capacity to question authority. Those high school textbooks will just reinforce her robotic parrotings ever more exquisitely.
Bacon: Gerard, I know there is going to be no changing of your views, but spare Cara the flames and insults. In the States, a true gentleman shows ladies respect.
Qx: Cara deserves some flames and I wouldn't mind getting that Gray poopon frak up here for a barbecue session either. Like Cara he knows better than to just stroll into the Capitalism and Alternatives section.
Oh.. and this thing about treating a lady with respect in the United States? With one of the highest rape and spousal murder rates in the Western world how can you say or imply that true gentlemen even exist?
That's ludicrous when you see how much you're romanticizing this chivalrous ideal that seems endemic to regions like Texas.What the hell's a gentleman? Give me a definitive description and I'll give you a personality profile that shows evidence of psychopathic tendencies.
Women should be treated as human beings and that means with equality and honesty. Not blind worship of a mother figure just because some redneck ethic that holds no weight in reality say to worship blindly. If Cara flames me I flame her right back. What the hell?
If she's so goddamn conservative then she's in for a hard fall. All that bullshit about welfare bums and tootlng her horn about the supposed virtues of McDonald's is going to get a reaction. She's just proud of her ignorance and it's time to get a real education and not the horseshit that's spoon fed in American high schools.
And she's not the only one for sure. Look at Sprout. What a moron! I've never met a Canadian who'll even admit to liking Brian Mulroney and then shoot himself in the foot by admitting that he trades on the Vancouver Stock Exchange (VSE). And on gold futures at that! This guy is a pure laughing stock and definitely not a very good capitalist. If you want to accept his stock market tips by all means go for it. I can't stop you but don't ever say that didn't warn you.