Last updated : 09:00 GMT 21st June 1997. Check What's new for more recent additions.
National Food Alliance press release
The NFA calls for government review of food advertising after McLibel ruling
National Food Alliance; 17 July 1997
What can the company do?
'While McDonald's proved in court that some of the allegations made against it were
untrue, it failed spectacularly to stop future publication.'
The Independent - 2nd July 1997
'It began as a straightforward libel case - if such a thing can be said to exist.'
Independent Business Weekly - 27th June 1997
'McLibel' made meaningful
'The court case that will go down in the annals of British jurisprudence as
'McLibel' ended with a whimper last week, though it deserves more
attention than it received.'
The Bangkok Daily Post - 26th June 1997
McDonald's Win Is Hollow Victory
Another one on the verdict.
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
Big Mac Under Attack
'It may have won the McLibel trial but the case has exposed an arrogance which threatens to shake McDonald's from its pole position.'
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
McDonald's Win Is Hollow Victory
Another one on the verdict.
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
Big Mac Under Attack
'It may have won the McLibel trial but the case has exposed an arrogance which threatens to shake McDonald's from its pole position.'
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
McDonald's Trial And Error
Was the burger giant's McLibel case a wise defensive move for the brand, or a miscalculation of public opinion, asks Julian Lee
Marketing (UK); 26 June 1997
McLibel Two hit back at burger giants kids ads
Defendants Helen Steel and Dave Morris are writing to the two key advertising industry bodies to demand McDonald's stops targeting children with its ads.
Marketing (UK); 26 June 1997
McLibel Trial Makes Firm ú3million
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert is believed to have billed around #3m to McDonalds
The Lawyer; 24 June 1997
McLibel Case a McFiasco
'As the McDonald's defamation action in Britain amply demonstrates, present libel law no
longer serves any social purpose and should be scrapped as a costly irrelevance, says
The Canberra Times; 24th June 1997
McLibel Two take protests back to street
Thousands of protestors continue to hand out leaflet following judgement.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 22 June 1997
Burger Chiefs in Court Threat
Very short piece on McDonald's threatenign to take action following ruling.
Mail on Sunday (UK); 22 June 1997
Ruling could damage company's image
'The ruling could have damaging implications for the company's attraction to young children, at whom much advertising is aimed.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
Mine's The Biggest Mac Please
Hugo Gurdon, a satisfied customer, argues that the burger behemoth is a force for good.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20th June 1997
The Scotish Daily Record
'Burger giants McDonald's were rocked yesterday when a top judge ruled that they exploit children
and are cruel to animals.'
The Scotish Daily Record; 20th June 1997
'ENGLAND'S longest civil trial ended dramatically
yesterday with the $30bn-a-year McDonald's
Corporation winning an incomplete victory against two
unemployed anarchists who defended themselves.'
The Guardian - 20th June 1997
'McLibel, the High Court's David and Goliath battle between two eco warriors and
the might of McDonald's, ended yesterday with the fast food giant winning ú60,000
The Herald - 20th June 1997
McVictory may be hollow
Critics will appeal; judge slams some of firm's practices
Chicago Tribune; 20th June 1997
McDo digΦre mal son procΦs
La firme a gagnΘ contre deux Θcolos. Une pub dΘsastreuse
Liberation; 20th June 97
Victory for McDonald's after Dave and Goliath libel fight
But.. the judge upheld three allegations, saying that the leaflet was true ...
The Times; 20th June 1997
Little relish in McLibel victory
McDonald's "culpably responsible" for cruelty to animals.
Telegraph; 20th June 97
Critics will appeal;
judge slams some of firm's practices
McDonald's USA local paper gives their opinion
Chicago Tribune; 20th June 1997
McDo digère mal son procès
'La firme a gagné contre deux écolos. Une pub désastreuse.'
Libération (FR); Vendredi 20 juin 1997
McLibel Support Campaign Press Release
20th June 1997
Victory for McDonald's
after Dave and Goliath libel fight
'THE fast-food chain McDonald's won a pyrrhic victory yesterday when it
was awarded ú60,000 in damages at the end of its ú10 million
record-breaking libel action against two "green" campaigners, Dave Morris
and Helen Steel.'
The Times; 20th June 1997
Little relish in
McLibel victory
Indepth post verdict report
The Telegraph; 20th June 1997
McDonald's Wins Libel Case
'Fast-food giant McDonald's won a record-breaking libel case against two
vegetarian activists yesterday, although the judge said some of the
criticisms of the company were correct.'
South China Morning Post - 20th June 1997
Two vegans who took on the burger giant
'HELEN Steel and Dave Morris look set to join Swampy, Animal and Muppet Dave in the annals of fame as environmental activists.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
Renewed calls for libel reform
'THE case has been greeted as an example of the need for reform of the libel law.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'ONE good thing, at any rate, can be said about the epic McDonald's libel case, judgment
on which was finally delivered yesterday. It belied the old saw that justice is for the rich,
not the poor.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'The pair of eco-warriors who fought McDonald's armed only with a pile of box files are to
carry on campaigning, reports SANDRA BARWICK'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'McDonald's was awarded ú60,000 libel damages yesterday against two penniless campaigners who defended themselves in the longest trial in English legal history.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'The case centred on a leaflet called What's Wrong With McDonald's? which the burger
chain claimed wrongly maligned the company.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
'AFTER the longest trial in English legal history hamburger giants McDonald's was
awarded a relatively paltry ú60,000 in libel damages yesterday.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
' "David" - penniless Helen Steel and Dave Morris - claimed they were the real victors
of the 314-day trial.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
'As small fries go, the pair who became known as the McLibel Two proved to be a force to
be reckoned with.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
Peniless Losers in Court Still Claim Victory Over Mighty McDonald's
'Fast food giant made to swallow unpalatable remarks after the longest case in English
legal history.'
Yorkshire Post; 20 June 1997
McDonald's Left To Chew Over ú10 Million Legal Bill
'McDONALD'S, the world's biggest hamburger chain, left the High Court in London
yesterday with a ú60,000 damages award it can never collect and an outstanding legal bill
estimated at ú10 million.'
The Scotsman; 20 June 1997
Anarchists Never Fighting To Win
'THERE is nothing so dangerous as a man and woman with nothing to lose. Of the five
London Greenpeace activists named in the original libel writ, only Dave Morris and Helen
Steel chose to take on one of the world's biggest corporations.'
The Scotsman; 20 June 1997
Very short piece.
Los Angeles Times (USA); 20 June 1997
'The mighty McDonald's Corporation has emerged with only a partial victory from its
epic libel battle against green campaigners Dave Morris and Helen Steel.'
The Independent (UK); 20 June 1997
A Victory Over McLies
'The two "crusading" media stars of the McLibel case went down lying and prevaricating
right through to the bitter end.'
The Toronto Globe and Mail (Can); 20 June 1997
'A Judge yesterday branded McDonald's mean, cruel and manipulative after the burger
giant had spent ú10m to clear its name.'
The Daily Mirror (UK); 20 June 1997
Judge Rules Activists Libelled McDonald's
'After the longest trial in English legal history, a judge ruled on Thursday that two
penniless activists had libelled hamburger giant McDonald's and ordered the couple to
pay 60,000 pounds in damages.'
Reuters; 19 June 1997
Activists Found Guilty of Libel Vs McDonald's
'Two penniless activists were found guilty Thursday of libelling McDonald's Corp. and
were ordered to pay the world's largest restaurant chain 60,000 pounds ($98,000) after the
longest trial in English legal history.'
Reuters; 19 June 1997
Activists Guilty of Libelling McDonald's
Short piece.
Reuters; 19 June 1997
McDonald's wins record-setting libel case
"the judge agreed with some of their sharpest criticisms"
USA Today ;19th June 1997
McDonald's case highlights risks of libel
"allegations about cruelty to animals, low pay
and exploitative advertising were true"
Reuters ;19th June 1997
McDonald's prevails in long-running libel case
"some of the criticisms of the fast-food chain were correct"
CNN Online ;19th June 1997
McDonald's wins record-setting libel case
the judge agreed with some of [the defendants] sharpest criticisms.
USA Today; 19th June 97
McDonald's case highlights risks of libel
hamburger giant had no idea of the Pandora's box it was opening
Reuters; 19th June 97
McDonald's prevails in long-running libel case
defendants libeled McDonald's in most but not all of the statements
CNN online; 19th June 97
McLibel Support Campaign Press Release
19th June 1997
'THE result of the McLibel trial is expected tomorrow. This is where
McDonald's elected to shoot themselves in the foot, for 313 days in the
High Court, by suing two penniless leafleteers for libel.'
The Guardian - 18th June 1997
'but at what cost'
'McDonald's Corp. may be on the verge of victory in
the longest trial ever heard by an English court -- but at what a cost.'
Associated Press; 16th June 1997
Marathon McDonald's Libel Trial Near Climax
'The "David and Goliath" trial of the part-time barmaid and the unemployed
single father accused of libelling the $30 billion a year corporation is listed
in the Guinness Book of Records as England's longest ever trial.'
Reuters; 15th June 1997
McLibel: corporate crimes on trial
'Whatever decision Mr Justice Bell finally arrives at, it is clear that the 'McLibel Trial',
which ends this summer, has been a spectacular blow to McDonald's global strategy of
propaganda and censorship.'
Fight Racism Fight Imperialism; June 9th 1997
Victory for McLibel Two
'At McLibel trial headquarters in London, England, preparations for
Victory Day are well under way.'
Toronto Star; 9th June 1997
Writ Large - Legal News in Brief
'There is good news for those suffering from withdrawal symptoms through
no longer having a McDonald's libel case around.'
Guardian; 3rd June 1997
McLibel: corporate crimes on trial
It's a 'blow to McDonald's global strategy'.
Fight Racism Fight Imperialism; June / July 1997
McLibel, Our Verdict
'"The most expensive and disastrous public relations exercise ever mounted by a
multinational company," according to one commentator.'
Festival Eye; Summer 1997
Dan Mills cuts the ice with an update
Living Marxism; May 97
McDonald's as a case study
Living Marxism; May 1997
Steel up against the golden arches
Interview with Helen Steel
The Scotsman; 20 May 1997
Fast food, slow justice
Digesting some complex truths about McDonald's. Review of 'McLibel!'
Time Out (UK); May14-21 1997
Mclibel two plan to sue private eyes
Intentions of the defendants
Time Out (UK); May14-21 1997
Delicious, nutritious and litigious
Review of John Vidal's McLibel: Burger Culture on Trial
New Scientist; Vol 154 No 2083; 24 May 1997
McDonald's to go back to its roots to beef up fIat US sales
McDonald's attempt to stem the decline
The Guardian (UK); Tuesday May 20th 1997
British Activists Bear Up Under Ferocious Big Mac Attack
Worldwide coverage from one of the world's largest papers
International Herald Tribune; 20th May 1997
McLibel! Weekend TV
Review of the McLibel drama-documentary
The Guardian (UK) May 19th 1997
The greens take a bite at Big Mac
Television review of court drama-documentary
Financial Times; 17th May 1997
Longest civil trial in English history televised
'And then, bang! Within a few weeks there's one
mega-reconstruction, a full-length docu-drama, a book and an Internet site being accessed
at least 1.5m times a month. And all before the judge has given his verdict.'
The Guardian; 16th May 1997
And now it's a mini-series
It's been the longest civil trial in English history: two anarchists against the might of McDonald's. And now it's a mini-series
John Vidal reports on the televising of the 'McLibel' trial
The Guardian; 16th May 1997
Fast food: slow justice
Slapps and pickles: weighing up the rights and wrongs of the McLibel trial
The Guardian (UK); 8th May 1997
Biting back at the Big Mac
In any war against public enlightenment, the ideal weapons are confusion and boredom.
The Times (UK); 3 May 1997
The McLibel Trial
An Update with Dan Mills
May 1997
McLibel trial update - very short
The Food Magazine; April 97
David meets McGoliath on the Web
Great piece on the trial, the issues and McSpotlight
The Australian; 29th April 1997
A quarter pounder of flesh
The 'Torygraph' blame the foolish multitudes
Telegraph; 27th April 1997
The bunfight that won't go away...
Lengthy review of John Vidal's book on McLibel and the issues
Daily Mail; 26th April 1997
Holy Rolls
Amusing review of John Vidals book. Plus amended lords prayer.
Freedom; 26th April 1997
McLibel on the Internet
Verdict awaited. Judge for yourself on McSpotlight
Freedom; 26th April 1997
Writ large
Marcel Berlins proliferates wrong references about length of the McLibel trial.
Guardian; 22nd April 1997
Power, corruption and fries
Michael Mansfield reviews the book, society and everything (nearly).
Observer (UK); 13th April 1997
Heart of the Matter
Wine, Brussel Sprouts, Big Macs, McLibel and McSpotlight
Guardian; 29th March 1997
Standing up for what he believes
Dave Morris - the man at the centre of the 'McLibel Trial' - one of the longest in British legal history
The Herald (Scotland); 24 February 1997
Welcome to McHell
The McLibel Two, have put the whole fast-food business on trial
Big Issue; 24th Feb 97
David confident of win in epic battle against burger Goliath
"It doesn't matter what the verdict is because we've already won."
Big Issue (Scotland); 13th Feb 97
Big Mac Attack - A British libel trial puts McDonald's on the grill
America fixated on bloody gloves, the British learned the ugly truth McDonald's..
San Francisco Bay Guardian; 29 Jan 97
Big Mac versus small fry
Review of McSpotlight and the McLibel trial.
Escape #2; Jan/Feb 97
McDavid und McGoliath
Verhandlungsmarathon des Fast-food-Konzerns McDonald's
Der Spiegel 51, 16th Dec 96; Germany
Peace on Earth and Big Mac to all men
Two journalists on the 'New World Fast-Food Order', one on McLibel
Sunday Telegraph, 15th Dec 96; UK
End of an Era: McLibel draws to a close
The McLibel story and over memorable events occuring during the period
Independent, 14th Dec 96
'McLibel' Trial Ends After 2 1/2 Years
Piece on the end to the trial evidence.
The Guardian (UK); Dec 96
Trial That's Made A Meal Of It
Report on the closing chapter
Times, 13th Dec 96
Marathon 'McLibel' Trial Ends - Verdict Later
End of trial evidence article.
Reuters; 13 Dec 96
Canada: All Mouth and No Future
The changing face of the media. Reference to the McLibel and internet coverage.
The Guardian (UK); 9 Dec 96
Making a McMeal of it
McDonald's UK local paper gives front page to end of trial.
Hendon & Finchley Times, 5th Dec 96
The McSpotlight Site
'Peace People' on McSpotlight and McLibel.
Citizen, Dec 96; Northern Island
Egg McMuffin on Ronald's Face
McSpotlight and McLibel covered by Mens food magazine (really!)
EatSoup, Dec 96
Britain's Big 'McLibel Trial' (It's McEndless, Too)
Down beat article about the approach of the end of the McLibel trial.
New York Times; 29th Nov 96
Hearing Becomes The Biggest Mac Of All
Record breaking nature of the trial and its growing support.
Independent; 2nd Nov 96
McDonald's libel case is England's longest trial
After 292 days (and still going) McLibel breaks UK records
Reuters; 1st Nov 96
Choice cuts from a particularly
meaty libel action
The World According to Enfield Snr
Oldie; Nov 96
Auberon Waugh: Another Point
McDonald's libel action entered a new phase
Telegraph; 26th Oct 96
'McLibel Case' Nears End
The USA's biggest distribution daily covers the restart of the trial.
USA Today; 24th Oct 96; USA
Writ Large
More on the Macdonald vs McDonald's story. Short piece.
Guardian; 22 Oct 96
Finally, The McEnd Is Near In McDonald's Libel Trial
Wire report on the restart of the trial and the summing up arguments.
Associate Press; 20 Oct 96 (World)
Albert v Ronald in battle of the burger
Campaigner uses McLibel trial evidence to frustrate McDonald's plans.
Independent; 19 Oct 96
Special Branch Helped McDonald's
Collusion and old boys network ensured McDonald's and police shared information.
SQUALL; Autumn 96
McDonald's Morale Crumblin'
Confidence lacking in the corporation.
AdBusters, Winter 96, USA
McGoliath contra McDavid
▄ber Big Mac und Krebsrisiko: McDonald im langsten Prozefs der britischen Rechtsgeschichte
Freitag, Berlin 18. Oktober 96
Video shock in Big Mac licence bid
McSpotlight granted permission to video hearing
Camden New Journal; 17th Oct 96
The Business of Applying Pressure
How pressure groups are now expert at getting support from the media
PR Week; 4th Oct 96
How We Met - Helen Steel and Dave Morris
Interviews with the McLibel Two, by Lorna Russell
Independent on Sunday, 29th Sept 96
Funday Ruined for Ronald's Annual Bash
Report on prtest at Ronald's annual 'funday'
Sunday Mail; 23rd August 96
Corporate threat: Attack of the slamming sites
Article about various anti-corporate sites on the web
Inter@ctive Week, July 22nd 96
A blow to Big Mac in Jamaica
McDonald's are stopped trading in Kingston, Jamaica (after McLibel evidence is used)
Guardian; EcoSoundings 17th July 96
McSpotlight Homepage
Review of McLibel and McSpotlight in Internet magazine.
Internet Today; July 96
What gripe site creators call free speech, some companies are calling libelous
Article in which McSpotlight is supposedly being sued by McDonald's.
Money OnLine Daily; 13th July 96
Fast Food Libel Trial Takes Years To Digest
Long piece on the 2nd anniversary of the trial
Sunday Telegraph; 30th June 96
Gobbling the Rainforests
Report on the rainforest testimony from the trial
Squall; Summer 96
Epic Libel Case Marked With Anniversary Cake
Report on 2nd Anniversary
PA News; 28th June 96
270 Day Libel Case Goes On and On ...
Report on the 2nd Anniversary
DailyTelegraph; 28th June 96
Big Mac To Be Grilled In JA
The Jamaican case of McDonald's vs McDonald's (McLibel evidence used)
Caribbean Times; 27 June 96
The Net - the site that covers every detail of the long-running McDonald's Libel case.
Review of McSpotlight.
New Statesman; 21st June 96
McDonald's 'Used Police Sources' In Libel Case
Revelations of police involvement in McD's investigations into London Greeenpeace
Independent; 12th June 96
Small Is Beautiful
Short interview with Helen Steel.
Everywoman; June 96
McDonald's Unmasked
Overview of McDonald's global ambitions and manipulations
Red Pepper; June 96 and USA
Anarchy Puts Its House In Order
Details of the Hackney Anarchy week, with its McLibel workshop.
Observer; 26th May 96
Big Mac Faces The Facts
Extensive update on the trial.
Arkangel; Spring 96
McLibel Two's City Back-Up
How Veggies is helping the McLibel campaign
Evening Post (Nottingham); 29th May 96
Burgering About On The Web
Details of where to find info on the net re: McLibel
ON Magazine; May 96
McContrast of Opinions
Protestors attend McD's annual shareholders' meeting.
Oak Brook Press; 24th May 96, USA
NetTimers: Report from Amsterdam
NetAvism in Holland - including McSpotlight
Amsterdam; 20th May 96, Netherlands
Bigger Bite of Britain for McDonald's
McDonald's growth in the UK, despite McLibel ;-(
Observer; 5 May 96
Law That Muddles Truth and Fiction
Inadequacies and biased nature of libel laws in the UK.
Guardian; 29th April 96
McLibel Action
Update on the trial and the issues in court
Legal Action; April 96
Culture Jammers of the YEAR
Helen and Dave are voted to be Culture Trial McNuggets!
Adbusters Magazine, Spring 96
McHeadache: A Tale of Two Activists
Informative piece on the participants, the trial, the issues and the net.
Toplum Newspaper, 28th March 96
McDonald's Bashing
Powerful piece on McSpotlight and what it is trying to achieve
AP News Agency; 27th March 96
Another review of McSpotlight and the current state of the trial
Greenline Publication; March 96
When It's A Case Of Do-It-Your-Self Justice
Uses McLibel as an example of how to defend yourself in court
Independent ; 20th March 96
Big Mac On Trial
McLibel the story
Age (Australia); 14th March 96
You and I Against McWorld
Major colour feature on McLibel (and McSpotlight) over five pages
Guardian - Weekend Magazine , 9 March 96
If You Visit One Web Site This Week, Make It: McSPOTLIGHT
Focus on McSpotlight
Observer, March 4 96
First McLibel, Now McSpotlight
Legal magazine talks about McSpotlight in short news piece
Legal Action, March 96
McLibel goes public on McWeb
Summary of the site
Peace News, March 96
One Writ Too Far
Two page feature on McLibel in magazine sold by the homeless
Big Issue, Feb 96
Vigilantes Stir Firms' Ire With Cyber Antics
Front page feature about so-called 'cripe sites', including McSpotlight
USA Today, 28 Feb 96
Quick Bytes
Short mention of McSpotlight
Daily Telegraph, 27 Feb 96
Internet Info Accepted In Court
McLibel evidence from Internet ruled admissable in Jamaican court
Gleanor; 23 Feb 96; Jamaica
McSpotlight Review
Short review of McSpotlight
Guardian, 22 Feb 96
Spotlight on Mac
Short piece on the launch of McSpotlight
Age (Melbourne), 20 Feb 96
McLibel case heats up on the Internet
Article on McSpotlight
Chicago Sun Times, 19 Feb 96
Big Mac's critics connect on-line
Paragraph on McSpotlight
Chicago Tribune, 18 Feb 96
Internet attack on Big Mac
Short piece on launch of McSpotlight
Daily Express, 17 Feb 96
Burger Giant Under McSpotlight
Piece on launch of McSpotlight
Independent, 17 Feb 96
McDonald's critics take case to the net
Long, newsagency report on launch of McSpotlight
Bloomberg Business News, 15 Feb 96
Burger bashers
Short piece on McLibel in magazine sold by the homeless
Big Issue, 12 Feb 96
McLibel Trial exposes company lies
Start of 'Destruction of Rainforests' section of trial
Red Pepper, Feb 96
Ronald McDonald under Mac-attack!
Article on Kids Against Big Mac
Willesden & Brent Chronicle, 4 Jan 96
Big Mac Under Attack
Short news item on McLibel
U.S. News and World Report, 1 Jan 96
Suit with a side order of fries
A look at McLibel
Scotsman, 19 Dec 95
McLibel Case Breaks Record As Meaty Argument Continues
Medium-sized article with quotes from the trial
Scotland on Sunday, 17 Dec 95
'McLibel' Trial Still On
Short mention of the case
Arizona Republic, 12 Dec 95
McDonald's Libel Case Becomes England's Longest
Reuter Business Report, 11 Dec 95
Which Is More Useful?
Piece on case in Auberon Waugh column
Daily Telegraph, 11 Dec 95
McLibel Suit Hits Top Of Civil Records In England
Chicago Tribune, 11 Dec 95
Trial Breathed New Life Into Campaign
Medium-sized article on campaign against McDonald's
Guardian, 9 Dec 95
'McLibel' Case Sets Record For Longest Trial
Medium-sized article as trial reaches landmark
Independent, 11 Dec 95
Eco Soundings
Paragraph on why the case has backfired for McDonald's
Guardian, 6 Dec 95
Writ Large
A lawyer's look at the case as it reaches a landmark
Guardian, 5 Dec 95
McDonald's Is In PR Pickle In U.K.
Long feature in US magazine for the public relations industry
PR Services Report, Dec 95
Fast Food Libel Case Slow Going
Short update on the case
Sunday Times, 6 Nov 95
Sewage In Big Mac Kitchen
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Daily Mirror, 31 Oct 95
McDonald's staff 'worked among sewage'
Coverage of evidence given by ex-employee
Independent, 31 Oct 95
Sewage On McDonald's Kitchen Floor: Ex-Worker
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Press Association, 30 Oct 95
McDonald's Accused of Blatant Racism
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Evening Standard, 18 Oct 95
Animal Rights Protest At McDonald's
Article on McLibel related protest in Dublin
Irish Times, 17 Oct 95
Burger Battalions Fire Their Big Buns
Feature on fast-food chains' expansion plans
Observer, 15 Oct 95
This is McWar
Feature on the case in trade magazine
Restaurant Business, 1 Sept 95
LETTER : Justice is a right, not a commodity
Letter from Dave Morris
Independent, 26 August 95
How to tell it to the judge
Article on litigants in person
Independent, 23 August 95
McDonald's has big beef with vegetarian critics comment
Long article on the case
Rocky Mountain News, 14 August 95
Your Lordship, They Both Think They Have a Legitimate Beef
Feature on McLibel
New York Times, 6 August 95
'McLibel' Case Pair Lose Free Transcripts
Newsagency article about the transcripts
Press Association Newsfile, 20 July 95
Big Mac's Takeaway Threat
Short piece about the withdrawal of access to the transcripts
Sunday Times, 16 July 95
Bun Fight
Long feature on Helen Steel
Guardian, 11 July 95
'McLibel' Defendants Offer To Settle
Article on the settlement negotiations
Food & Drink Daily; 5 July 95
Big Mac's Folly
Article on the trial and McDonald's attempt to settle the case
Economist, 1 July 95
McDonald's Libel Case Against British Environmentalists Enters Second Year
Newsagency report as case reaches a landmark
Agence France Presse, 29 June 95
McDonald's Versus Commonsense
Leader on McDonald's folly in pursuing the McLibel Two
Independent, 29 June 95
McDonald's in secret talks with McLibel Two
Article on McDonald's attempt to settle out-of-court
Independent, 29 June 95
Fast Food Libel Case Enters Second Year Of Slow Justice
Article on trial as case reaches a landmark
Times, 29 June 95
Defendants defiant on "McLibel" case anniversary
Newsagency report as case reaches a landmark
Reuter Business Report, 28 June 95
McLibel Battle Marks Its First Birthday
Article on trial in London evening paper
Evening Standard, 28 June 95
McDonald's suffers from court grilling
Long article on the case
Scotland on Sunday, 25 June 95
The Big Mac
Feature article on opposition to McDonald's
Independent, 10 June 95
Burger giant seeks way out of 'McLibel' suit
Repeat of article on McDonald's attempts to settle the case out-of-court
San Francisco Examiner, 5 June 95
Trial that is eating lives of 'McLibel Two'
Feature on effect of trial on Helen & Dave
Independent, 5 June 95
Big Mac finds trial hard to swallow
Revelatory article on McDonald's attempts to settle case out-of-court
Independent, 5 June 95
McDonald's Libel Defendants Bring Protest To U.S.
Newsagency report on protest on McDonald's 40th Anniversary
Reuters, 15 April 95
Big Mac Versus the Little People
More about the trial from the Guardian
Guardian, 15 April 95
David vs. Big Mac in British Case
Long article on the case
Chicago Tribune, 9 April 95
Vet's Fears Over McDonald's Beef
Article on evidence of food safety witness
Guardian, 31 March 95
McDonald's Sends A Message With U.K. Libel Suit
Article on the case
Investor's Business Daily, 20 March 95
A Litigious American
Article on the case
New Jersey Law Journal, 20 March 95
Fast Food Giant Slowly Nibbling At The Greens
The McLibel case and previous law suits by McDonald's
Sunday Times, 12 March 95
An indigestible case of fast food and slow justice
McLibel case reaches its 100th day
Daily Telegraph, 9 March 95
McDonald's libel case could be longest in history
Short article on trial
Times, 3 March 95
McDonald's Pursues Two Activists In Four-Year-Old Libel Lawsuit
Long article on case
Solid Waste Report, 3 March 95
Burger Follies
Medium-sized article on the case
Economist, 25 Feb 95
Long article on the trial
Recorder, 3 Feb 95
McDonald's cries libel, sues environmentalists
Long article on the trial
Baltimore Sun, 2 Feb 95
Duke takes Big Mac to task
Short article on Brazilian beef shipments and Prince Philip
Independent, 27 Jan 95
The Big Beef Bun Fight
Long (and very good) feature on the trial
Guardian, 17 Jan 95
McDoanld's Libel Trial 'Most Costly In History'
Short update on the case
Independent, 12 Jan 95
Libel Case Hears Tall Story Of Big Macs
Short article on evidence concerning Japan
Daily Telegraph, 21 Dec 21, 94
A Brief History
Chronology of McDonald's upto the McLibel case
Daily Telegraph, 2 Oct 94
McDonalds 'Deceived Customers'
Article on evidence of Assistant Attorney General of Texas
Guardian, 16 Sept 94
Libel case pits McDonald's against unemployed vegetarians
Long article on the case
Dallas Morning News, 31 July 94
Vegetarians risk health, court told
Report on some evidence on nutrition
Independent, 23 July 94
McDonald's Adverts Were Misleading
Short report on some evidence on advertising and nutrition
Independent, 20 July 94
Fast Food Giant Justifies Packaging
Short report on McDonald's evidence on environmental effects of packaging
Indpendent; 8 July 94
McDonald's 'Exploiting Children'
Short report on cross-examination of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 6 July 94
McDonald's Chief Defends Fast Food
Short report on evidence of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 5 July 94
Big Mac Takes on the Veggie Burghers
Medium-sized article on the trial
Observer, 3 July 94
McDonald's Chief Refuses To Reveal Pay In Libel Trial
Short report on cross-examination of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 2 July 94
Big Mac Chief Says His Burgers Are Safe
Report on evidence of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 1 July 94
McDonald's Defends Its Fast Food In London Court
Article introducing the McLibel Trial
Food and Drink Daily, 1 July 94
McLibel Court Told Of McDonald's 'Sins'
Short report of the opening speech of Helen & Dave
Times, 30 June 94
McDonald's Defends Its Fast Food In London Court
Newsagency report on the opening of the trial
Reuters, 30 June 94
Libel Accused Attack McDonald's 'Maxwellian Bullying Of Critics'
Short report on the opening speech of Helen & Dave
Guardian, 30 June 94
'Legal Bullying' By McDonald's
Short report on the opening speech of Helen & Dave
Independent, 30 June 94
McDonald's vs 2 Activists In London Court
Article on the opening of the trial
Chicago Tribune, 29 June 94
McDonald's Fights Anarchist Couple
Short article introducing the trial
Independent, 29 June 94
Beware! Big McDonalds is Watching You
Article about the private investigators hired by McDonald's
Daily Mirror, 29 June 94
McDonald's Turned Private Investigators On Fastfood Critics
Article about the spies hired by McDonald's
Times, 29 June 94
McDonald's Is Robert Maxwell Of Corporations
Short report on the opening speech of Helen & Dave
Press Association, 29 June 94
Leaflet 'A Threat' to McDonalds
Short report on the opening speech of McDonald's
Guardian, 29 June 94
McDonald's Sues London Activists
Short report introducing the trial
Reuters, 28 June 94
Anti-McDonald's Leaflet 'False In Every Respect'
Short report on the opening speech of McDonald's
Press Association, 28 June 94
McDonald's Court Case Begins Tomorrow
Short report on eve of trial
Press Association, 26 June 94
The difference the McLibel Two enjoy
Long feature on the eve of the trial
New Statesman & Society, 24 June 94
McDonald's Sues London Activists For Libel
Short report
FFF, June 94
Pleadings Only Struck Out If Incapable Of Proof
Legal report on Court of Appeal ruling on the striking out of parts of the Defence
Indpendent, 22 April 94
McDonald's 'Concealing Libel Papers'
Short article on McDonald's 'cover up'
Guardian, 19 April 94
Draconian Powers To Be Used Only In Clear Cases
Legal report on Court of Appeal ruling on the striking out parts of the Defence
Times (Law Report), 14 April 94
'McLibel Two' Lose Plea for Jury Trial
Article on Court of Appeal refusal to reinstate jury trial
Guardian, 26 March 94
McDonalds 'Faces Libel Kiss of Death'
Report of submissions to Court of Appeal on use of jury trial
The Guardian, 17 March 94
'McLibel 2' Bite into Court Fight with Burger Chain
Short article on the McLibel case
Guardian, 15 March 94
Chips Are Down At McDonald's
The use of libel laws to silence corporate critics
Guardian, 15 March 94
Pre-Trial Hearing In Libel Case Over McDonald's
Short report introducing the McLibel case
Guardian, 3 Feb 93
Libel Case Pair Take Fight For Aid To Europe
Legal aid issue to be taken to European Court of Human Rights
Daily Telegraph, 21 Dec 92
Legal Aid Case Goes To Europe
McLibel Two go to European Court of Human Rights over denial of Legal Aid
Guardian, 21 Dec 92