Fast-food client claims tea was bleach
Yet another 'coffee' incident for McDonald's?
UPI; 27th August 1997
Hospital Workers Union Takes Protest Against McDonald's to Woodhull Hospital
Union organising a boycott of McDonald's due to its high cholesterol fatty levels, nothing new there then.
Business Wire; 27 August 1997
McDonald's opens 200th restaurant in Taiwan
Another landmark in the march of the Golden Arches
Reuters; 27th August 1997
McDonald's relying more on international stores
McDonald's home market continues to show signs of saturation - a bit like their burgers and fat.
Reuters; 25 August 1997
Burger chain leaves France as sales fall
McDonald's will find it easier as Burger King leaves France.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 30 July 1997
McDonald's to invest $59 million in Peru
45 new outlets planned for Peru over the next 5 years.
UPI; 28 July 1997
Some Wal-Mart stores serving McDonald's meals at check-out
Now you can shop til you drop - you too can feel the weight going on as you consume sonsume consume.
Reuters; 25 July 1997
Heritage purists in combat at Coliseum
The Coliseum follows in the way of the South Bank, Paris - raises its stature by having a McDonald's!!??
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 24 July 1997
McDonald's hit with fines and legal costs for polluting English waterway
'Britain's Environment Agency said Thursday that the
McDonald's fast-food chain had been hit with fines and legal costs totalling
$13,850 for polluting an English waterway.'
Reuters 24 July 1997
National Food Alliance press release
The NFA calls for government review of food advertising after McLibel ruling
National Food Alliance; 17 July 1997
What can the company do?
'While McDonald's proved in court that some of the allegations made against it were
untrue, it failed spectacularly to stop future publication.'
The Independent - 2nd July 1997
BSE cull costs 'out of control' - McDonald's buys British beef
McDonald's to start buying British beef again - so it must to ok then eh?
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 27 June 1997
'It began as a straightforward libel case - if such a thing can be said to exist.'
Independent Business Weekly - 27th June 1997
McDonald's Win Is Hollow Victory
Another one on the verdict.
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
Big Mac Under Attack
'It may have won the McLibel trial but the case has exposed an arrogance which threatens to shake McDonald's from its pole position.'
Marketing Weekly (UK); 26 June 1997
McDonald's Trial And Error
Was the burger giant's McLibel case a wise defensive move for the brand, or a miscalculation of public opinion, asks Julian Lee
Marketing (UK); 26 June 1997
McLibel Two hit back at burger giants kids ads
Defendants Helen Steel and Dave Morris are writing to the two key advertising industry bodies to demand McDonald's stops targeting children with its ads.
Marketing (UK); 26 June 1997
'McLibel' made meaningful
'The court case that will go down in the annals of British jurisprudence as
'McLibel' ended with a whimper last week, though it deserves more
attention than it received.'
The Bangkok Daily Post - 26th June 1997
McLibel Case a McFiasco
'As the McDonald's defamation action in Britain amply demonstrates, present libel law no
longer serves any social purpose and should be scrapped as a costly irrelevance, says
The Canberra Times; 24th June 1997
McLibel Trial Makes Firm ú3million
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert is believed to have billed around #3m to McDonalds
The Lawyer; 24 June 1997
McLibel Two take protests back to street
Thousands of protestors continue to hand out leaflet following judgement.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 22 June 1997
Burger Chiefs in Court Threat
Very short piece on McDonald's threatenign to take action following ruling.
Mail on Sunday (UK); 22 June 1997
The Scotish Daily Record
'Burger giants McDonald's were rocked yesterday when a top judge ruled that they exploit children
and are cruel to animals.'
The Scotish Daily Record; 20th June 1997
McDonald's Wins Libel Case
'Fast-food giant McDonald's won a record-breaking libel case against two
vegetarian activists yesterday, although the judge said some of the
criticisms of the company were correct.'
South China Morning Post - 20th June 1997
Ruling could damage company's image
'The ruling could have damaging implications for the company's attraction to young children, at whom much advertising is aimed.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
Mine's The Biggest Mac Please
Hugo Gurdon, a satisfied customer, argues that the burger behemoth is a force for good.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20th June 1997
Two vegans who took on the burger giant
'HELEN Steel and Dave Morris look set to join Swampy, Animal and Muppet Dave in the annals of fame as environmental activists.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
Renewed calls for libel reform
'THE case has been greeted as an example of the need for reform of the libel law.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'ONE good thing, at any rate, can be said about the epic McDonald's libel case, judgment
on which was finally delivered yesterday. It belied the old saw that justice is for the rich,
not the poor.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'The pair of eco-warriors who fought McDonald's armed only with a pile of box files are to
carry on campaigning, reports SANDRA BARWICK'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'McDonald's was awarded ú60,000 libel damages yesterday against two penniless campaigners who defended themselves in the longest trial in English legal history.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 20 June 1997
'The case centred on a leaflet called What's Wrong With McDonald's? which the burger
chain claimed wrongly maligned the company.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
'AFTER the longest trial in English legal history hamburger giants McDonald's was
awarded a relatively paltry ú60,000 in libel damages yesterday.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
' "David" - penniless Helen Steel and Dave Morris - claimed they were the real victors
of the 314-day trial.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
'As small fries go, the pair who became known as the McLibel Two proved to be a force to
be reckoned with.'
Western News; 20 June 1997
Peniless Losers in Court Still Claim Victory Over Mighty McDonald's
'Fast food giant made to swallow unpalatable remarks after the longest case in English
legal history.'
Yorkshire Post; 20 June 1997
McDonald's Left To Chew Over ú10 Million Legal Bill
'McDONALD'S, the world's biggest hamburger chain, left the High Court in London
yesterday with a ú60,000 damages award it can never collect and an outstanding legal bill
estimated at ú10 million.'
The Scotsman; 20 June 1997
Anarchists Never Fighting To Win
'THERE is nothing so dangerous as a man and woman with nothing to lose. Of the five
London Greenpeace activists named in the original libel writ, only Dave Morris and Helen
Steel chose to take on one of the world's biggest corporations.'
The Scotsman; 20 June 1997
Very short piece.
Los Angeles Times (USA); 20 June 1997
'The mighty McDonald's Corporation has emerged with only a partial victory from its
epic libel battle against green campaigners Dave Morris and Helen Steel.'
The Independent (UK); 20 June 1997
A Victory Over McLies
'The two "crusading" media stars of the McLibel case went down lying and prevaricating
right through to the bitter end.'
The Toronto Globe and Mail (Can); 20 June 1997
'A Judge yesterday branded McDonald's mean, cruel and manipulative after the burger
giant had spent ú10m to clear its name.'
The Daily Mirror (UK); 20 June 1997
'ENGLAND'S longest civil trial ended dramatically
yesterday with the $30bn-a-year McDonald's
Corporation winning an incomplete victory against two
unemployed anarchists who defended themselves.'
The Guardian - 20th June 1997
'McLibel, the High Court's David and Goliath battle between two eco warriors and
the might of McDonald's, ended yesterday with the fast food giant winning ú60,000
The Herald - 20th June 1997
Judge Rules Activists Libelled McDonald's
'After the longest trial in English legal history, a judge ruled on Thursday that two
penniless activists had libelled hamburger giant McDonald's and ordered the couple to
pay 60,000 pounds in damages.'
Reuters; 19 June 1997
Activists Found Guilty of Libel Vs McDonald's
'Two penniless activists were found guilty Thursday of libelling McDonald's Corp. and
were ordered to pay the world's largest restaurant chain 60,000 pounds ($98,000) after the
longest trial in English legal history.'
Reuters; 19 June 1997
Activists Guilty of Libelling McDonald's
Short piece.
Reuters; 19 June 1997
'THE result of the McLibel trial is expected tomorrow. This is where
McDonald's elected to shoot themselves in the foot, for 313 days in the
High Court, by suing two penniless leafleteers for libel.'
The Guardian - 18th June 1997
Burger chains agree to talks on beef ban
'McDonald's said last night that it was re-examining its position following the
Government's announcement that it would ban beef from other European countries unless
the EU tightened regulations against BSE.'
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 13 June 1997
Critics will appeal;
judge slams some of firm's practices
McDonald's USA local paper gives their opinion
Chicago Tribune; 20th June 1997
McDo digère mal son procès
'La firme a gagné contre deux écolos. Une pub désastreuse.'
Libération (FR); Vendredi 20 juin 1997
McLibel Support Campaign Press Release
20th June 1997
Victory for McDonald's
after Dave and Goliath libel fight
'THE fast-food chain McDonald's won a pyrrhic victory yesterday when it
was awarded ú60,000 in damages at the end of its ú10 million
record-breaking libel action against two "green" campaigners, Dave Morris
and Helen Steel.'
The Times; 20th June 1997
McDonald's plans to revamp, counter competition
The news was big, but there was none of the hype that propelled Teenie Beanie Babies
and Campaign 55 into the national consciousness. In fact, there was no hype, just a leaked
internal memo outlining a major restructuring of McDonald's Corp.'s U.S. business
Chicago Tribune; 20th June 1997
Little relish in
McLibel victory
Indepth post verdict report
The Telegraph; 20th June 1997
McDonald's wins record-setting libel case
"the judge agreed with some of their sharpest criticisms"
USA Today ;19th June 1997
McDonald's case highlights risks of libel
"allegations about cruelty to animals, low pay
and exploitative advertising were true"
Reuters ;19th June 1997
McDonald's prevails in long-running libel case
"some of the criticisms of the fast-food chain were correct"
CNN Online ;19th June 1997
'but at what cost'
'McDonald's Corp. may be on the verge of victory in
the longest trial ever heard by an English court -- but at what a cost.'
Associated Press; 16th June 1997
Marathon McDonald's Libel Trial Near Climax
'The "David and Goliath" trial of the part-time barmaid and the unemployed
single father accused of libelling the $30 billion a year corporation is listed
in the Guinness Book of Records as England's longest ever trial.'
Reuters; 15th June 1997
Victory for McLibel Two
'At McLibel trial headquarters in London, England, preparations for
Victory Day are well under way.'
Toronto Star; 9th June 1997
Restaurant Kings, or just Silly Burgers?
'It looks like ketchup on the boardroom carpet, but it may be blood. Last
week, McDonald's, the world's biggest restaurant chain, was forced to
abandon a year-long brand promotion after customers and franchises
failed to greet it with the enthusiasm the company had anticipated.'
Observer; 8th June 1997
'McDog' Restaurant Chain Challenges McDonald's
"Foreign restaurant chains like McDonald's are taking over our food
culture. I want to help keep our traditional foods alive."
Reuters; 8th June 1997
McDonald's U.S. Marketing Plan in Question
'Faced with disappointing U.S. sales, the world's largest restaurant chain
scrapped the bulk of its 55-cent price promotion, calling its U.S. marketing
strategy into question.'
Reuters; 4th June 1997
McDonald's Opens at Seagate Canteen
'What would you do if you were McDonald's and have
run out of locations to open new outlets?
Answer: Become a canteen operator.'
Reuters; 3rd June 1997
Writ Large - Legal News in Brief
'There is good news for those suffering from withdrawal symptoms through
no longer having a McDonald's libel case around.'
Guardian; 3rd June 1997
McDonald's aims to focus on taste, service
'McDonald's Corp said on Thursday it would raise its standards on food taste and service,
and hinted that it might add a new chicken product to the menu.'
Reuters; 22nd May 1997
Franchisees attack McDonald's for overexpanding chain
Franchisees attack McDonald's for overexpanding chain
Chicago Tribune; 22 May 1997
McDonald's holds key to price recovery
'THE MOST optimistic outlook for beef farmers is that there will be agreement in Brussels
this year to ease the ban on a limited volume of specified beef and that this will persuade
the McDonald's restaurant chain, which used to take about 8 per cent of British beef
production, to return to the UK market.'
The Scotsman; 22nd May 1997
McDonald's and Walt Disney
'McDonald's and Walt Disney Records Kick Off National Fundraising Promotion at Los
Angeles Ronald McDonald House.'
PR Newswire; 22nd May 1997
Mrs Kroc becomes disaster heroine
'Widow of McDonald's founder named as anonymous donor to flood victims'
Tribune; 20th May 1997
Some McDonald's Franchisees seek new U.S. law
'A group of McDonald's Corp restaurant operators on Wednesday threw their support
behind the American Franchisee Association's attempts to have the U.S. Congress pass a
franchisee rights bill.'
Reuters; 21st May 1997
McDonald's wants Illinois bank to stop Beanie Baby promotion
'It didn't take McDonald's Corp. long to let the teeny-tiny Oxford Bank in Addison know the great-big restaurant chain in Oak Brook was unhappy.'
Chicago Tribune; 20th May 1997
McDonald's U.S. strategy needs new focus -- say analysts
'After pursuing dramatic expansion over the past several years, McDonald's must sharpen
its focus on product quality and speed up its decision-making to improve sales and profits
in the United States, industry analysts said.'
Reuters; 20th May 1997
McDonald's seen changing U.S. business
'McDonald's Corp may have to change the recipe for its U.S. fast-food business.'
Reuters; 20th May 1997
McDonald's mulls U.S. management change -- say franchisees
'McDonald's Corp. is drafting a plan to pare down its U.S. management to make the
company more agile, franchisees confirmed, but the task is expected to be a challenge
given the sheer size of the fast-food giant.'
Reuters; 19th May 1997
McDonald's restaurants name new member to its board of directors
'McDonald's Restaurants has announced the promotion of George MacKay to senior
vice-president, chief financial officer, to its UK board of directors.'
Retail Weekly; 16th May 1997
Longest civil trial in English history televised
'And then, bang! Within a few weeks there's one
mega-reconstruction, a full-length docu-drama, a book and an Internet site being accessed
at least 1.5m times a month. And all before the judge has given his verdict.'
The Guardian; 16th May 1997
McDonald's paid $15 million for rival outlets
'McDonald's restaurant chain paid Progressive Enterprises $15 million for 17 Georgie Pie
restaurants, the latest Overseas Investment Commission report says.'
The Dominion; 15th May 1997
Big Mac Deal No Big Boost
'McDonald's Corp hasn't achieved the kind of sales boost it was looking for by reducing
the price of its hallmark Big Mac sandwiches 75 percent to 55 cents, according to a story
in Friday's electronic edition of the Wall Street Journal.'
Reuters; 9th May 1997
McDonald's plans for Olympic flames
'McDonald's has drafted in its public relations adviser Cohn
and Wolfe to support promotion activities for its
sponsorship of Rome's bid to host the 2004 Olympic Games.' Very short piece.
Reuters; 9th May 1997
McDonald's hopes to repeat Beanie Babies success
'Flushed with the enormous success of its Teenie Beanie Babies marketing push,
McDonald's Corp. is hoping to repeat with its upcoming kids promotion featuring the hit
Sky Dancers toys.'
Reuters; 8th May 1997
McLibel, Our Verdict
'"The most expensive and disastrous public relations exercise ever mounted by a
multinational company," according to one commentator.'
Festival Eye; Summer 1997
Dan Mills cuts the ice with an update
Living Marxism; May 97
McLibel: corporate crimes on trial
'Whatever decision Mr Justice Bell finally arrives at, it is clear that the 'McLibel Trial',
which ends this summer, has been a spectacular blow to McDonald's global strategy of
propaganda and censorship.'
Fight Racism Fight Imperialism; June 9th 1997
McLibel trial update - very short
The Food Magazine; April 97
McDonald's to go back to its roots to beef up fIat US sales
McDonald's attempt to stem the decline
The Guardian (UK); Tuesday May 20th 1997
McDonald's faces major shake-up
McDonald's suffering market problems
The Daily Telegraph (UK); Tuesday, May 20, 1997
The greens take a bite at Big Mac
Television review of court drama-documentary
Finacial Times; 17th May 1997
And now it's a mini-series
It's been the longest civil trial in English history: two anarchists against the might of McDonald's. And now it's a mini-series
John Vidal reports on the televising of the 'McLibel' trial
The Guardian; 16th May 1997
Oprah $ued For Million$
New Nation; 12 May 1997
Auberon Waugh derides the recent Chester decision and supplies some uses for churches.
The Daily Telegraph; Wednesday 7th May 1997
McDonald's to open opposite cathedral
CIVIC leaders and conservationists have condemned a decision by the DoE to allow McDonald's to open a fastfood restaurant opposite a 1OO-year-old cathedral.
The Daily Telegraph; Monday May 5th 1997
A quarter pounder of flesh
The 'Torygraph' blame the foolish multitudes
Telegraph; 27th April 1997
The bunfight that won't go away...
Lengthy review of John Vidal's book on McLibel and the issues
Daily Mail; 26th April 1997
Holy Rolls
Review of John Vidals book with amusing Mcversion of the lords prayer.
Freedom; 26th April 1997
Heart of the Matter
Wine, Brussel Sprouts, Big Macs, McLibel and McSpotlight
Guardian; 29th March 1997
McEconomics hails the yuan
'THE Chinese economy received a public relations boost from an unlikely source
yesterday, when a study of Big Mac prices suggested that the yuan was the world's most
undervalued currency.'
The Economist (UK); 11 April 1997
Kids love him. But what do they know?
The rise and rise of Ronald McDonald. By John Vidal
The Observer; 6 April 1997
McDonald's targets rivals French Fries through TV ad
McDonald's resort to 'negative' advertising.
Union starts drive at McDonald's outlet
The Teamsters Union is trying to organize 62 workers at McDonald's restaurant near Montreal.
NewsWorld On-Line; 6th March 1997
Teamsters taking another run at a McDonald's outlet
Union is confident in unionizing a McDonald's Restaurants outlet in Saint-Hubert
Toronto Globe and Mail; 6th March 1997
Local 420 to rally against contracting out of Elmhurst Hospital employee cafeteria to McDonald's
Union contends that existing cafeteria serves needs of the staff better than McDonald's
Business Wire; 5th Mar 1997
The McDonald's Classroom Grant Program
Education has been a top priority for McDonald's (honest!)
McDonald's; 5th Mar 1997
Retail oversaturation, McDonald's and others find, has it's limits
McDonald's pays for expanding its core customers by cannibalizing it's existing stores.
Tribune Business News; 2nd Mar 1997
The 55-Cent Big Mac Bet
Price offensive could leave the fast-food industry feeling sick.
South China Morning Post; 2nd March 1997
Burger wars open with a Mac attack
Front page of yesterday's New York Post summed it up: IT'S McWAR
The Telegraph (UK); Friday 28 February 1997
A sense of urgency growing at McDonald's
Serious hurdle for company synonymous with the irresistible march of capitalism?
The Daily Telegraph; 28th February 1997
McDonald's Empire Bites Back
Anxious to reverse a 3.5pc decline in same-store sales this year at its 12,200 US
The Telegraph; 27th Feb 1997
McDonald's Promotion Plan Seen As Risky - Say Analysts
Promotion could hurt profits and sour relations with franchisees
Reuters; 27th February 1997
FastFood Stocks Fall On Fear Of McDonald's Led Price War
McDonald's shares fell $2.375 to $44.875 amid fears of an imminent fast-food price war.
Reuters; 26th Feb 1997
McDonald's Corp. just turned up the heat in the fast-food business
"We have much more jaded consumers today," - price cuts are not "new news."
Reuters; 26th February 1997
It's McD-Day For Burger Plans...
McDonald's will destroy the "image and dignity" of one of the most historic sites in the city.
Evening Leader; 20th February 1997
Tenacity proves its worth
More from East Grinstead
East Grinstead Courier (UK); 13 February 1997
McDonald's Gets Wired - in France
Wide Web with "le Big Mac," as the world's first Internet-savvy McDonald's opens its
golden arches.
Wired News; 13th Feb 97
DDB Wins Another McDonald Deal
McDonald's has 10 outlets in Moscow, two in St. Petersburg. Another soon to open in Nizhny Novgorod.
AdNews Online Daily; 12th Feb 1997
Fallon Splits with McDonald's
Ad company, Fallon McElligott, parts ways with McDonald's
Advertising Age; 3rd Feb 1997
McDonald's To Serve Athletes At 1998 Olympic Winter Games
McDonald's is gearing up to help feed Olympic athletes from around the world
PRNewswire; 3rd Feb 1997
Minneapolis Advertising Agency Quits McDonald's Corp.s Account
The Arch Deluxe account has been reported at about $50 million a year.
Tribune Business News; 1st Feb 1997
Press Release from the Guardians of the Clan Donald
Ronald McDonald appointed Sergeant-Major at Arms of the Guardians of Clan Donald
Clan Donald; Jan 1997
McDonald's says to make 800 new Finnish jobs in 1997
In the year 2000 there will be about 100 McDonald's in Finland
Reuters; 31st Jan 1997
Battle of the Coco Pops
Kids have become a lucrative marketing niche with products targeted entirely at them.
Guardian; 27 Jan 97
Advertising to children - UK the worst in Europe
Children around the world are bombarded with television
advertisements telling them bad food is good.
Food Magainze; Jan/Feb 97
Burger the environment
Michael Jackson, showed a considerable level of hypocrisy by visiting McDonald's
Scotland on Sunday; 12 Jan 97
McDonald's to open 100 restaurants
Fast-food, to get fast build free-standing modular buildings
Construction News; 9 Jan 97
Not so Big Mac
Very small piece on resistance to the Big Mac in Derbyshire.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 1 January 1997
McDonald's refuses to accept a Gaelic name
McDonald's now faces a three-pronged assault from Scotland
Daily Telegraph; 28 Dec 96
McDonald's Wises Up To The Poor Taste Of Wilted Lettuce
Reacting to bad survey results and sales slump, McD plans include adding more salt!
The Guardian; 24 Dec 96
McDonald's Seeks Changes In Food Preparation
McDonald's Corp top management seeks to jump start same-store sales.
Reuters; 23 Dec 96
Big Mac and a Prize Headache
A bungle over a cash promotion could cost McDonald's thousands in extra prize money.
Scottish Daily Record; 23 Dec 96
McDonald's wins right to use name in Jamaica
Golden Arches become second chain of McDonald's in Jamaica
Reuters; 21 Dec 96
Turning Swords into Beef-Burgers
New York Times columnist and his 'golden arches theory of conflict prevention'
Guardian, 19th Dec 96; UK
Learning The Value of a Burger
Schoolchildren are being offered free burgers as an incentive to turn up for lessons.
The Independent (UK); 19 Dec 96
Fast Food Chains Fight For Market Share
Fast-food chains test new recipes and cook up promotions to draw more customers
Reuters; 19 Dec 96
U.S. Hamburger Chains Battle On Into 1997
Very similar article to the above one.
Reuters; 18 Dec 96
Republic of Ireland: Burgers for Burghers
Satirical letter to Bray Council - 'thanking' them for allowing McD to open up in town
The Irish Times; 18 Dec 96
Burger and large prize to go please
Bosses at McDonald's refused to dish out competition prize money.
Scottish Daily Record; 17 Dec 96
Salads Join McD's Line; No Specific Ad Plan Seen
Salads added to line of adult-targeted products. Typical trade article.
Advertising Age; Dec 96
Oldest McDonald's In U.S. Reopens
Oldest McDonald's restaurant reopened after a close brush with the demolition ball
Reuters; 15 Dec 96
Peace on Earth and Big Mac to all men
Three journalists on the 'New World Fast-Food Order'
Sunday Telegraph, 15th Dec 96; UK
Physical Dexterity Required at New McDonald's Outlets
Article on McDonald's news-coup ski-slope opening.
The Irish Times; Dec 96
McDonald's Opens World's First Ski-Through
Article on the news-coup ski-slope restaurant.
Reuters; 14 Dec 96
Fears over McDonald's school sponsorship deal
Controversy over corporate sponsorship in schools caused by McDonald's deal
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia); 13th Dec 96
Burger Chain Set To Open Its Third Outlet - Anger Follows
Three articles covering application by McD for another outlet in Cornwall.
Western Morning News; 12 Dec 96
Fascinating McFacts About McDonald's International
McDonald's own press release about themselves. Quite revelaing in many ways.
PR News (source: McDonald's Corp.); 9 Dec 96
Beefburger Giants Face Ban Dilemna
Will burger chains lift their ban on British beef
Yorkshire Post (UK); 6 Dec 96
Big Macs 'poisoned us'
E.coli, McDonald's and under cooked burgers
Express, 6th Dec 96
Mac Attacks and Loses - Fast Food Feud
Mac finds that bullying doesn't work in Denmark.
Associated Press; 4th Dec 96; Denmark
Infected children to sue over lethal food bug
Seven children suing British Government, McDonald's and others other food poisoning.
Independent; 4th Dec 96
McDonald's & E.coli food poisoning
Press release from the firm representing victims of E.coli poisoning
Howe & Co Solicitors; 3rd Dec 96
Big Mac poised to join Texaco war effort
Texaco is mounting a big push to gain market share in the UK and its secret weapon will be Ronald.
The Times (UK); November 1996
Mother of worker killed at McDonald's wants case reopened
Electrocuted worker story - update
International Worker; 30th Nov 96
Army gives Big Mac its marching orders
McDonald's ordered to stop using unlicensed radio equipment.
Evening Standard; 21st Nov 96
City Diary: Burger And Fries To Go - Sloping Off
Article on the news-coup ski-slope restaurant.
The Daily Telegraph (UK); 15 Nov 96
McDonald's strikes out with grown-ups
McDonald's losing adult customers.
Fortune Magazine; November 11th 96
Wall St loses taste for McDonald's
Report on poor sales for McDonald's in their own backyard.
Times; 11th Nov 96
Golden Arches Galore
It's been a lousy year for McDonald's, U.S. sales sagging
Forbes; 4th Nov 96; USA
McDonald's Opens In 99th Country With First Restaurant In Dominican Republic
McDonald's press release concerning the McColonisation of yet another country
PR News (source: McDonald's Corp.); 2 Dec 96
Big Mac turn-around
Barrister's advice prompts councillors to approve application
Cornwall News; Nov 96
Bitter Battle Ends In Burger Win
Late night application finally comes to an end with partial victory for both sides
Camden New Journal; 31st Oct 96
Media Guardian
Mike Love of McDonald's picks up the "PR professional of the year"
Guardian; 28th Oct 96
Albert v Ronald in battle of the burger
McDonald's frustrated by campaigners canny anti-planning tactics.
Independent; 19 Oct 96
Interview with Arsene Wenger, the new manager at Arsenal Football Club
Manager derides the effect of the McDonald's diet.
Evening Standard; 18 Oct 96
Orthodox Jews Offended By Cheese, Halt March Of The Big Mac In Israel
Religeous Jews put a stop to McDonald's un-kosher adverts.
Daily Telegraph; 18 Oct 96
Video shock in Big Mac licence bid
McSpotlight granted permission to video hearing
Camden New Journal; 17th Oct 96
Hitch for fast food giant
Campaigners once again frustrated the burger multinational's efforts
Camden & StPancras Chronicle; 17th Oct 96
Patent Nonsense
Spoof on the McMunchies fiasco
Time Out Magazine; 2- 9 Oct 96
McDonald's - Why All the Fuss?
McDonald's plans for Australian Blue Mountain region and the protests it has created.
Mid-Mountains Village Views; Vol.1 No.4 96; Australia
Scots Chief To Defend His Clan
The McDonald's take on McDonald's
Herald; 7th Oct 96; Scotland
McDonald's Australia plans frightening expansion rate. Campaigners organise.
Weekend Australian; 5th-6th Oct 96, Australia
Greenbelt Association Sues To Stop McDonald's
Sale of public land is unlawful says greenbelt group trying to protect environment.
Patriot News; 5 Oct 96; USA
Big Mac Will Shun Debate
McDonald's refuse to attend community meeting to listen to local residents
East Grinstead Observer; 2 Oct 96
Mr McDonald bites back
Angry Scot threatens Burger Giant with legal action.
Independent; 30th Sept 96
Clan Warfare Threatens Litigious Burger Chain
More details from the Ronald McDonald fiasco.
Press and Journal; 28 Sept 96; Scotland
Fed up to McTeeth with son of a bun
Daily Mirror advises readers to avoid McDonald's
Mirror; 28th Sept 96
Union Slams "Greedy" McDonald's
Press release from Britains General Union regarding low pay
GMB; 26th Sept 96
New McDonald's Product Roll-Out
the answer to poverty, exploitation and war ...? No, just a new burger
Press Release; 26 Sept 96; USA
McNaturals Proposal for McDonald's
Campaigners offer an organically based alternative to McDonald's meat based fayre.
Blue Mountains Gazette; 25 Sept 96; Australia
Uniqueness Under Threat
Katoomba region (Blue Mountains, Aus) and consequence of McDonald's invasion
Blue Mountains Gazette; 25 Sept 96; Australia
Garbage Protest at McDonald's Site
McDonald's get their rubbish back
Crawley News; 25 Sept 96
McDonald's Is More Powerful Than EC
Globalisation is destroying diversity.
Guardian; 25 Sept 96
Big Mac Chews Out Little Mrs Munchie
McDonald's attempts to monopolise the 'MC' prefix
Independent; 24 Sept 96
Big Mac puts bite on McMunchies
Mrs Blair, of Fenny Stratford, Bucks, has protested
Telegraph; 24 Sept 96
Corner shop faces McDonald's writ
Mary Blair has been told to drop the disputed prefix from McMunchies
Times; 24 Sept 96
McDonald's wins trademark battle in South Africa.
South Africa brought in line with international intellectual property protection.
Jet; 23 Sept 96
McDonald's Wins Corner Shop
Holloway to get second McDonald's with closure of 60yr old family business.
Islington Gazette; 19 Sept 96; London
Burger Firm Pulls Out
McDonald's admit defeat in attempt to purchase Tory HQ in HQ in North London
Daily Telegraph; 19 Sept 96
Big Mac Quits Fight For Portillo HQ
McDonald's drop plans after political row
Evening Standard; 19th Sept 96
Letter to Editor
Letter to editor re: the hijacking of parents / kids day by 'Ronald'.
Haringey Advertiser; Sept 96
Dissent Breaks Out In Big Mac's Ranks
Workers go out on strike in South Africa
South Africa Times; 18th Sept 96
British beef will soon fit the grill - Burger King set to end ban
Burger King breaks ranks over BSE
Daily Express; 17th Sept 96
Fighting McDonald's: Lessons from Montpelier Vermont
Montpellier application defeated.
International Society for Ecology and Culture; 17th Sept 96; USA
McDonald bid for Portillo's Tory HQ is rejected
McDonald's are refused permission for a drive-thru in North London
Times; 17th Sept 96
Labour Puts Big Mac Off The Menu In Portillo Land
Failure of McDonald's to secure Tory party HQ in North London
Daily Mail; 17th Sept 96
Burger bar blocked
Failure of McDonald's to secure Tory party HQ in North London
Guardian; 17th Sept 96
Labour burghers halt Portillo's Big Macs
Failure of McDonald's to secure Tory party HQ in North London.
Telegraph; 17th Sept 96
Big Macs Are Frozen Out
McDonald's are refused drive-thru application in North London
Daily Express; 17th Sept 96
McDonald's Sued Over Girl's Death
Report on death of girl from E.coli - the 'Burger Bug'
Daily Mail; 16th Sept 96
Discontent brews at McDonald's
Wildcat strikes in South Africa - discontent widespread
Argus (Cape Town); 15th Sept 96; South Africa
Parents to sue McDonald's over 'burger bug' death
McDonald's facing challenge over E.coli poisoning.
Sunday Times; 15th Sept 96
Kelloggs / McDonald's Link Up
McDonald's and Kelloggs join forces in promotion drive.
15th Sept 96; USA
Companies face increasing rows over how to choose worker representatives
McDonald's 'Workers Forum' denounced as 'example of single minded hostility'
Sunday Observer; 15th Sept 96
Big Mac Gets Closer
McDonald's win first stage of controversial planning permission
East Grinstead Courier; 13th Sept 96
Viz challenges McDonald's over TV money tips
Legal action considered against McDonald's
Independent; 12th Sept 96
McDonald's Sued
Expansion plans cause concern to existing store owners.
Sydney Morning Herald; 11th Sept 96; Australia
Mac Secures First Victory
Despite local protests McDonald's gain councillors consent.
East Grinstead Observer; 11 Sept 96
'McWorks Council' Condemned
Union federation condemns McDonald's rubber-stamping workers council.
Union Federation; Geneva, Switzerland
McDonald's Plans India Debut Soon
Indian outlets coming soon
Economic Times; 5th Sept 96; India
McDonald's plans India debut soon
India openings all set for Delhi and Bomba
Economic Times; 5th Sept 96; India
Funday Ruined for Ronald's Annual Bash
Report on protest at Ronald's annual 'funday'
Sunday Mail; 23rd August 96
Big Mac deal will bring windfall for Tory coffers
Political row over links between McDonald's and the Conservative party.
Times; 15 August 96
A blow to Big Mac in Jamaica
McDonald's are stopped trading in Kingston, Jamaica
Guardian; EcoSoundings 17th July 96
Will a Big Mac sign rise at Stonehenge?
Details of a proposal to open a McDonald's at Stonehenge
Mail on Sunday; 14th July 96
Burger Off McDonald's, Says Chingford
Short piece on plans and possible protests over McD's expansion into Chingford
Waltham Forest Independent; 31st June 96
Anger at plans by McDonald's
A selection of pieces covering McD's proposals for Winchmore Hill (N London)
Enfield Advertiser; May - June 96
Big Mac To Be Grilled In JA
Lengthy article giving the story behind the Jamaican case of McDonald's vs McDonald's.
Caribbean Times; 27 June 96
McDonald's Sponsorship Offer Rejected
McD's attempt to infiltrate a anti-discriminatory festival is foiled
Huddersfield; 22 June 96
Left Bank Balks At le Big Mac
Report on McDonald's attempt to set up shop in the Left Bank
Guardian; 22nd June 96
Big Mac and Cries
More about the Enfield proposals
Evening Standard; 12th June 96
Bus Driver Suspended For Refusing To Hurt A Cow
Bus driver is suspended over burger vouchers
Los Angeles Times; 6th June 96, USA
Here's the Beef
The grand opening of McDonald's first fast-food restaurant in South Africa
heralds bad news for the health of the nation.
New Internationalist; June 96
McDonald's Unmasked
Overview of McDonald's global ambitions and manipulations
Red Pepper; June 96 and USA
The Battle Of The Veggie Burgers
The launch of the Veggie DeLuxe.
Here's Health Magazine; June 96
McLash - 'They're Ruining Face Of Britain
Nottinham's planning chief launches a scathing attack on McDonald's whole concept.
Evening Post; 31st May 96
Seven Nuggets and You Are Out
Crew member is sacked over two extra pieces of McNuggets
Guardian; 29th May 96
McDonald's Ties Deal With Disney.
McDonald's makes 'historic' deal with Diney for rights to serve junk food at parks.....
Financial Times; 24th May 96
Lessons With a Logo 'Tainted By Advertising'.
Businesses attempts to infiltrate schools with learning packs
Independent, 24th May 96
McContrast of Opinions
Protestors attend McD's annual shareholders' meeting.
Oak Brook Press; 24th May 96, USA
Big Mac Attacked Over Bow Drive-Thru
Residents vow to fight burger giant's proposal for a restaurant
East London Advertiser; 23rd May 96
McViolence Vs Peaceful Protestors
McDonald's Heavy handed tactics in Hollywood.
Vegetarian Resource Centre; 19th May 96, USA
McDonald's Gets Its Teeth Into Durban
McDonald's expands into South Africa
Durban; 19th May 96, South Africa
We Don't Wanna McDonald's
Slovak's against McDonald's invasion.
17th May 96; Bratislava, Slovak
Now Serving: Boomer Burgers
McDonald's attempts to cash in further on the baby boom generation.
USA Today; 10th May 96, USA
McDonald's Introduces 'Adult Burger'
Launch of the 'Arch DeLuxe'
MSN News New York; 10th May 96, USA
Big Mac equals Heart Attack: It's Official
Launch of Deluxe Burger
VivaVegie Society; 9th May 96, USA
Bigger Bite of Britain for McDonald's
How good McDonald's are doing ... then a counter as to their 'sluggishness'.
Observer; 5 May 96
Don't Put Your Trust In McDonald's
McDonald's still using British beef after announcement of change over BSE
Hampstead; May 96
Force Pays Up For Wrongful Arrest
Police forced to pay 2,000stlg to anti-McD protestor
Echo, May 96
McDonald's 'Strategies For Global Domination'
McD's expansion plans.
McD Annual Report; May 96
McDonald's Spy Satellites Plot Expansion
How McDonald's are using satellite images to calculate population densities and changing habitation to plot expansion plans.
Arlington (Virginia); 4th May 96, USA
Wimpy Lifts Its Ban On British Beef
BSE Beef ban starts to crumble.
Times; 3rd May 96
McDonald's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
McDonald's refuse to release details of how many people they serve a day.
Claire Cummings; 3rd May 96, USA
Sealright designs sauce system for McDonald's in South Africa and China
Kansas City Business Journal (USA); April 26, 96
Southampton Campaigner Wins Unlawful Arrest Case
Anti-McD protestor wins case after 2 year struggle.
Southampton; 19th April 96
Deal Paves Way For McDonald's
Local community lose out to McD store
Denver Post; 18th April 96
Olympic rings better-known than McDonald's arches.
McDonald's come second only to the Olympic rings in worldwide recognition
Orlando Business Journal (USA); April 12th, 96
McDonald's taps Donahue as asst. VP for govt. relations
Ex-assistant to Governor is now McDonald's man in Washington.
Nation's Restaurant News (USA); Apr 8, 96
McDonald's Outlets in Delhi and Mumbai
Outlining McD's plans for India in the near future
Indian Times; 27th March 96
Man Takes Bite Out of Fast Food Sandwich - and Gulps Down Half a Rodent
Story about man eating McRibb only to find he is eating a dead animal
Weekly World News; 7 July 92
Opening of McDonald's Stalled
More about the Jamaican court action with McDonald's vs McDonald's.
Nation; 22 March 96; Jamaica
Dutch Look To Eastern Europe For Veal Calves
Dutch Business News, March 96
McDonald's Try To 'Rape' Bermuda
Report on local opposition to McDonald's plans in Bermuda
Reuters; March 96
McDonald's Snap Up ú1million Greengate Pub
McDonald's move into Newbury Park
Barking, Dagenham and Ilford Herald; March 96
Boerum Hill Big Mac Attack
Article on local opposition to a new McD store in Brooklyn
New Yorker (USA), 25 March 96
Big Mac Pays Out 283m. Lire for Foothold In Pizza Land
McD's purchase of Italy's main burger chain in order circumvent planning laws
Guardian; 23rd March 96
McDonald's Ban British Beef
Article on Dutch McD ban of British beef
Daily Mirror, 23 March 96
Advert Girl Is Veggie ......
Jocular news item
Daily Mirror, 23 March 96
Stop Eating Beef, says Consumer Association
Giving yet another warning over the safety of beef
PA News Agency; 22nd March
McDonald's says Standards Exceed IUK Safety Limits
Reuters News Agency; 21st March 96
Sorted McGarbage Burned
McD's recycling scheme in Sweden failing to operate
Soder om Soder; 20th March 96
Cow Carcass Blocks McDonald's Drive Thru
Protest report
ARDAC Press Release, 20 March 96
Locals Don't Relish Site Chosen By McDonald's
Local anger over proposed store
Newsday, 14 March 96 (USA)
Electrocuted - Safety Probe At McDonald's
McDonald's safety standards investigated after another worker is killed
Melbourne Sunday Age, 10 March 96
McDonald's Expansion Plans
Internet Info Accepted In Court
McLibel evidence from Internet ruled admissable in Jamaican court
Gleanor; 23 Feb 96; Jamaica
The Mad Cow Deceit
UK Government and the BSE scandal
Daily Express, 18 Feb 96
McDonald's Set To Defend Trade Mark and Name In Court
McDonald's To Accelerate Growth Rate
Piece on the cancerous growth of McDonald's
Wall Street Journal, Jan 22, 95
Ronald McDonald under Mac-attack!
Article on Kids Against Big Mac
Willesden & Brent Chronicle, 4 Jan 96
Very Golden Arches
Predicting a rosy future for McDonald's
Forbes; 1st Jan 96; USA
Which Is More Useful?
Piece on case in Auberon Waugh column
Daily Telegraph, 11 Dec 95
McDonald's Can Smell Success in China
McDonald's salivate at the prospects in China
Asian Wall Street Journal; 3rd Dec 95
Kentucky Fried Chicken Protests in India
Short report on anti-KFC activities in Bharat
Ecologist, Nov/Dec 95
McDonalds teaching aid is 'brainwashing'
Article on McDonald's Education Packs
Today; 13 Nov 95
Parallel Worlds Fight For The Globe
Long article on Management Summit '95 and the protests outside
Guardian, 11 Nov 95
Sewage In Big Mac Kitchen
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Daily Mirror, 31 Oct 95
McDonald's staff 'worked among sewage'
Coverage of evidence given by ex-employee
Independent, 31 Oct 95
Sewage On McDonald's Kitchen Floor: Ex-Worker
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Press Association, 30 Oct 95
Children told: Come to school and win a burger
Article on McDonald's moves in schools
Lancashire Evening Post, 18 Oct 95
McDonald's Accused of Blatant Racism
News item on evidence of ex-employee
Evening Standard, 18 Oct 95
Animal Rights Protest At McDonald's
Article on protest in Dublin
Irish Times, 17 Oct 95
Burger Battalions Fire Their Big Buns
Feature on fast-food chains' expansion plans
Observer, 15 Oct 95
McSued In Malaysia .....
Libel case in Malaysia
Malayan Journal, 29th Sept 95
Mc China
Small piece on McDonald's in China
A and M, International News, Sept 95
McDonald's coming to Banska Bystrica
Bratislava's red tape discourages fast food giant
July 19 - 1 August 95
Big Mac Has Big Plans
McDonald's expansion pland for India
Sunday MID-DAY, 30 July 95
The Big Mac
Feature article on opposition to McDonald's
Independent, 10 June 95
McDonald's Libel Defendants Bring Protest To U.S.
Newsagency report on protest on McDonald's 40th Anniversary
Reuters, 15 April 95
Vet's Fears Over McDonald's Beef
Article on evidence of food safety witness
Guardian, 31 March 95
A burger and fries for class spying eyes
Article on McDonald's moves in schools
Daily Telegraph, 15 Feb 95
Burger bribery - Primary school children being bribed to grass on school vandals
Fancy a burger? grass on friend
London Tonight, 15 Feb 95
Red Cross loses NHS cafe to McDonald's
Short article on McDonald's attempt to open outlet in Glasgow hospital
Times, 14 Feb 95
Duke takes Big Mac to task
Short article on Brazilian beef shipments and Prince Philip
Independent, 27 Jan 95
Reading, writing, McDonald's
Short article on McDonald's moves in schools
Daily Post North Wales; 12 Dec 12 94
A Brief History
Chronology of McDonald's
Daily Telegraph, 2 Oct 94
McDonalds 'Deceived Customers'
Article on evidence of Assistant Attorney General of Texas
Guardian, 16 Sept 94
McDonald's Adverts Were Misleading
Short report on some evidence on advertising and nutrition
Independent, 20 July 94
Fast Food Giant Justifies Packaging
Short report on McDonald's evidence on environmental effects of packaging
Indpendent, 8 July 94
McDonald's 'Exploiting Children'
Short report on cross-examination of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 6 July 94
McDonald's Chief Defends Fast Food
Short report on evidence of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 5 July 94
McDonald's Chief Refuses To Reveal Pay In Libel Trial
Short report on cross-examination of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 2 July 94
Big Mac Chief Says His Burgers Are Safe
Report on evidence of McDonald's UK President
Independent, 1 July 94
In The Land Of Fren
From - Thu Feb 27 09:24:06 1997
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Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 04:38:05 +0000
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Subject: little soldier boy
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some things to take into account - the last lot from this little boy.
also, these image return 'file contains no data' (they're on the site, I
reuploaded them):
more than any other image that I saw that didn't work, the first one
above is really nb. as it's generic to sooooo many pages (ALL of the wit
statements at least), so it would be a bit loose not to have it on.
FINALLY - there seems to be a problem with loads of the links in that
they are pointing to the live version, for eg.:
instead of the local:
the evidence, or whatever it
should be.
we can change them here, but I thought that your whizzo macro/ tool/
prog that will search and replace the .cgi stuff and replace with java
could probably do it easier. is this the case - don't be cross with us,
we'll stand in the corner and call out rude names if you do ....
pages where it is particularly a problem:
and there's also the album which is totally run off of the server ...
will will speak to you re: this since it is his pet. Also dev is doing
'some' amendments' tonight so expect more from this controlled avalanche