Web Sites/Pages:
These support pages for the Oasis 2/Ice internet software are maintained by NeST founder Daron Brewood, one of the Oasis beta test team. Official information such as the latest comment lists, development updates and FAQs can be found here. Details of Oasis support on the NeST network are also available.
Author Phil Yeadon's official Oasis pages. Contains information on the functions of the software, along with downloads and registering information. There are photographs and contact addresses for the team aswell.
STiK is currently the only full internet connection software for the Atari, providing a TCP/IP network layer that any other internet clients can interface with for online functionality. At the moment, only SLIP is available, but PPP will be implemented soon. Flinny's stunning pages provide easy access for software downloads, along with up-to-date news on updates and developments.