Web Sites/Pages:
Upon the unfortunate close of ST Format magazine, Technical editor Frank Charlton decided to make selected artciles by the STF team available on the internet. And so 'A3' was born - a site containing articles by Frank, Andy Curtis, Mac Marsden and Dug Armstrong. As always, Frank has designed the pages well, and they can be used via an A-Z or Author indexing system. Additionally, there is a www message-board available for site users to get in contact with each other.
ataricentral.com is a new site from US company Toad Computers. It runs alongside their existing toad.net site, but with a differing purpose. It really is a great idea - providing a centre on the 'net for Atari information, after the demise of Atari corp. A large part of the site is taken up by information on the Atari computer range and Toad's own products. Some really useful and original sections include an online message board, and a searchable library of Atari links, which can be added to by visitors.
Mark Smith's unofficial Atari internet pages have been around for a very long time now, but still provide an excellent and well-used source of Atari related information. For your reading pleasure, Mark maintains his collection of Documents, FAQs, Newsletters, Links, Q&As, Reviews, News, Game Tips, Cheats and Solutions, Programming Pages... The list goes on.